Unlike Jeanne I don't twitter. I haven't (much to my children's disgust) mastered the art of texting. I mainly GOOGLE to find info for patterns and wool. Like everything else it comes down to practice but just like knitting unfortunately the Net can become addictive.
It is exciting doing the first parcel and it goes on, because with each parcel I think about the children who will wear the clothes we send. I give everything a cuddle before I send it and hope they can feel the love I am sending them.
Amanda I just wanted to add that everything, I mean EVERYTHING, that I learnt about computers was taught me by my kids. :) It's amazing how much they know and how early they learn it. They can still run rings around me online but I can get online, get offline, do emails, get here, play a game or two and avoid crashing the computer. Victory!!!
I even learnt how to Twitter, by myself. I'm still getting over the shock of that, lol. :D
Welcome to KAS, Amanda from across the Pond in Canada. :D I find KAS such a rewarding cause to be involved in and I hope you enjoy it too. Do check out the New Member Guide which is found by clicking "Main Page" in the header above. To reach the Discussions just click Forum above. Any questions just PM me. :) Welcome to Knit A Square! Blankets and hats and sweaters direct from our hands to their hearts, a win-win. The UK group of KASers are always busy it seems with fund-raising days for postage or with public knit-a-longs. Just click on Groups above to find them and join in. The best thing I love about KAS is that I am making a difference and you can too...directly from our hearts and hands to their little bodies. I love it! :)
Hi Amanda and welcome. The site will take a bit of getting used to but everyone is very friendly and willing to help with questions.
Do you knit, crochet or both?
I knit jumpers & hats as my tension is a bit rubbish for squares. If you need any patterns in addition to those on this site give RAVELRY a try, as they have lots of free patterns.
Hi Amanda,
Unlike Jeanne I don't twitter. I haven't (much to my children's disgust) mastered the art of texting. I mainly GOOGLE to find info for patterns and wool. Like everything else it comes down to practice but just like knitting unfortunately the Net can become addictive.
It is exciting doing the first parcel and it goes on, because with each parcel I think about the children who will wear the clothes we send. I give everything a cuddle before I send it and hope they can feel the love I am sending them.
Happy knitting, Barbara X
Amanda I just wanted to add that everything, I mean EVERYTHING, that I learnt about computers was taught me by my kids. :) It's amazing how much they know and how early they learn it. They can still run rings around me online but I can get online, get offline, do emails, get here, play a game or two and avoid crashing the computer. Victory!!!
I even learnt how to Twitter, by myself. I'm still getting over the shock of that, lol. :D
Welcome to KAS, Amanda from across the Pond in Canada. :D I find KAS such a rewarding cause to be involved in and I hope you enjoy it too. Do check out the New Member Guide which is found by clicking "Main Page" in the header above. To reach the Discussions just click Forum above. Any questions just PM me. :) Welcome to Knit A Square! Blankets and hats and sweaters direct from our hands to their hearts, a win-win. The UK group of KASers are always busy it seems with fund-raising days for postage or with public knit-a-longs. Just click on Groups above to find them and join in. The best thing I love about KAS is that I am making a difference and you can too...directly from our hearts and hands to their little bodies. I love it! :)
Hi Amanda and welcome. The site will take a bit of getting used to but everyone is very friendly and willing to help with questions.
Do you knit, crochet or both?
I knit jumpers & hats as my tension is a bit rubbish for squares. If you need any patterns in addition to those on this site give RAVELRY a try, as they have lots of free patterns.
Happy Knitting, Barbara