Hi Anne, I'm in Adelaide and understand what you are saying about the postage. I think a lot of Australian KASers first learnt about the charity through the Take 5 magazine. Perhaps we could write an email to the magazine suggesting that they offered to pay a bulk transport of our work to South Africa. They are based in Melbourne and when I got my quotes from the local PO I was told that a $37.85 sea freight from here to South Africa which takes up to 3 months to arrive could be sent for $11.00 to Melbourne and arrive there in a couple of days. Also, you might want to get in touch with an Australian Government organisation in Canberra called AUSAid which handles government funded charities throughout the world. I've thought of writing to them and seeing if they can do anything for future parcels, such as organising a common collection point here in Australia and sending them overseas. Unfortunately, postage is proving to be a problem but the important point is that the children really need these square/beanies etc., and they are really the innocents so if you can please send them and together we can work on finding a solution to our delivery problem.
Sadly Anne, KAS is such a young charity and we have no funds to set up distribution centres in each country. No one is paid as the donations received are used just for expenses and to provide a small sum to a couple of lovely township Ladies who help Ronda all week. France has a lovely air stewardess who collects their contributions as she managed to get herself on the Johannesberg flight run! Hopefully, as we grow someone will join who has a good hearted relative in shipping. Sorry I cannot give you are more positive reply. I comfort myself by seeing the post cost as a donation, and, that we are a worldwide group of kniitters/crocheters/weavers etc who are working together and making a direct difference to the lives of these children. No talking focus groups who never get anything done here! Take care.
Welcome to KAS, Anne from way over in the middle of Canada. I find KAS such a rewarding cause to be involved in and I hope you enjoy it too. Do check out the New Member Guide which is found by clicking "Main Page" in the header above. To reach the Discussions just click Forum above and if you click on Photos above, you will see items that are heading to Africa, in all colors and shapes, plus those that have arrived there. Any questions just PM me. :) So, welcome to Knit A Square! Blankets and hats and sweaters direct from our hands to their hearts, a win-win.
Hi Anne, I'm in Adelaide and understand what you are saying about the postage. I think a lot of Australian KASers first learnt about the charity through the Take 5 magazine. Perhaps we could write an email to the magazine suggesting that they offered to pay a bulk transport of our work to South Africa. They are based in Melbourne and when I got my quotes from the local PO I was told that a $37.85 sea freight from here to South Africa which takes up to 3 months to arrive could be sent for $11.00 to Melbourne and arrive there in a couple of days. Also, you might want to get in touch with an Australian Government organisation in Canberra called AUSAid which handles government funded charities throughout the world. I've thought of writing to them and seeing if they can do anything for future parcels, such as organising a common collection point here in Australia and sending them overseas. Unfortunately, postage is proving to be a problem but the important point is that the children really need these square/beanies etc., and they are really the innocents so if you can please send them and together we can work on finding a solution to our delivery problem.
Welcome to KAS, Anne from way over in the middle of Canada. I find KAS such a rewarding cause to be involved in and I hope you enjoy it too. Do check out the New Member Guide which is found by clicking "Main Page" in the header above. To reach the Discussions just click Forum above and if you click on Photos above, you will see items that are heading to Africa, in all colors and shapes, plus those that have arrived there. Any questions just PM me. :) So, welcome to Knit A Square! Blankets and hats and sweaters direct from our hands to their hearts, a win-win.