Hi Beverly - hope you are keeping well. Did you manage find the information regarding the address for posting your squares? Are you also signed up to receive the ezine newsletter from Sany McDonald each month? There is lots of information about our squares arriving and pictures showing the children with their newly made blankets! If you are getting the ezine, I hope you don't mind me mentioning it. I wouldn't want you to miss out. Bye for now. Angela xx
Hi Beverly - I thought you might find the knit-a-square.com site very useful regarding postage, etc. If you click on knit-a-square.com at the top of the page (between My Page and Members) you will be able to find an amazing amount of information. Anyway, your bright yellow squares sound wonderful - just the job for being cheery and inspiring. I hope info is helpful to you. Angela xx
Hi again, Beverly - I have just noticed that you are now part of the UK Group. I'm so glad to managed to get that sorted. Look forward to hearing from you. Just noticed the time and really must be off to bed. Hot choc coming up! Angela xx
Hi Beverly, it was nice to hear from you and I hope we can become friends. The UK numbers are growing and I have sent you the link to join the UK Group - I hope it gets to you ok! Angela x
Hi Beverly, welcome to Knit-a-Square. It is a great site and a wonderful cause. There is such enthusiasm by everyone involved in KAS in the aim to achieve the end result of warmth and comfort for the orphaned children of South Africa. Beverly, I hope you also join the UK Group. Angela x
Gosh it will never be to late to do you bit honestly. This project will has no known end and in the scheme of that time you are a Foundation Member!
I am just getting around to finding you all to welcome you to the KAS community. Hope you enjoy this forum and will join your regions' group.
There is a section to help you navigate the forum and which welcomes your feedback.
Did you received the recent ezine, Issue No 10? If not you can find it here:
Look forward to chatting to you in the forum.