Please go to the U.S. Forum page on the KAS website and read about a new fund-raising drive to raise funds for a newer vehicle for Ronda. She is in great need of a more reliable car to take the blankets to the creches. A donation of any amount is valuable. Thanks
Welcome to KAS, Cara. Greetings from the "frozen north"...I live in Canada about two hours north of the Minnesota border, lots of lakes and forests, rocks and bears, that sort of thing. Do if you have a moment, check out the Main Page...see link in header above. On it you will find a link to the New Member Guide which shows you my slightly convoluted route to get to the Discussion Boards here. We're working on simplifying and improving the site all the time. Any problems just PM me. I'm a happy hooker (crochet) but I think you're one of the "nifty knitters" if I'm right. :) Sorry it took a bit to get back to you, I got the sniffles for a few days there. That time of year eh? I love being involved in KAS and making a concrete difference. So glad you've joined us!
Please go to the U.S. Forum page on the KAS website and read about a new fund-raising drive to raise funds for a newer vehicle for Ronda. She is in great need of a more reliable car to take the blankets to the creches. A donation of any amount is valuable. Thanks
Welcome to KAS, Cara. Greetings from the "frozen north"...I live in Canada about two hours north of the Minnesota border, lots of lakes and forests, rocks and bears, that sort of thing. Do if you have a moment, check out the Main Page...see link in header above. On it you will find a link to the New Member Guide which shows you my slightly convoluted route to get to the Discussion Boards here. We're working on simplifying and improving the site all the time. Any problems just PM me. I'm a happy hooker (crochet) but I think you're one of the "nifty knitters" if I'm right. :) Sorry it took a bit to get back to you, I got the sniffles for a few days there. That time of year eh? I love being involved in KAS and making a concrete difference. So glad you've joined us!
Jeanne :)