Hi Carol! My first thought is to go and join the USA group and ask there who is from Ohio. I was sure we had someone on KAS from Ohio. Perhaps someone in the USA group (click on groups up above in the header) can also suggest knitting/crochet groups in your area. :) Hope they can help!
So glad to have you with us Carol! You're just a bit south and east of me, I'm above International Falls MN by 2 hours. I hope some of those beastly storms are missing you! I find KAS such an inspirational site...plus it spares my kids my crocheting efforts! I seem to do okay with squares, KAS Cuddles for the babies, and hats. See you around the boards I hope and I agree with Debbie, do check the New Member Guide on the Main Page, it'll show you how to reach the discussion boards. We're working on streamlining it more. Any problems PM either of us. Welcome to KAS!--Jeanne :)
Welcome Carol! So glad you joined us. Check the new member guide on the main page tab above for information about this website. Browse the site and see photos of the children and the blankets!
Hi Carol! My first thought is to go and join the USA group and ask there who is from Ohio. I was sure we had someone on KAS from Ohio. Perhaps someone in the USA group (click on groups up above in the header) can also suggest knitting/crochet groups in your area. :) Hope they can help!
Jeanne :)