We run a challenge each month. For the next three months it is all about squares. We have a grand total of 55,900 squares we are trying to achieve and would love you to participate.
Don't forget to post photographs of your work. We have an awesome gallery of the work of the KAS community which is really inspiring.
Some of our members further support KAS by making a small monthly donation through Paypal (top left hand corner). This is invaluable help as it ensures we can continue to ensure that your work is speedily distributed to the most needy children in South Africa. We are deeply grateful for any donation we receive, be it monetary or squares to help the orphans. Thank you.
If you have any problems using the forum, please don't hesitate to contact your friendly moderators, listed below.
Sandy, Anne, Dawne, Elizabeth, Erin, Jeanne, Kalai, Kyla and Rona
Hi Eunice,
I live in Port Shepstone and have been knitting and crocheting for KAS for more than a year now. I don't think there are too many of us Banana girls here, but I have loved being a member of this group of warm and giving people.
I have not been very active on the forums since the end of July. My husband passed away July 28 and I went to my brother and his wife, who live in France, for a month. Since my return every time we have a storm or a power outage this computer decides not to recognize the external modum which links me to the internet. To get it going I have to crawl around on the floor and fiddle with various bits and pieces not really knowing what I am doing but can usually get lucky.
I have however continued to produce squares, aiming for a square a day but not quite that quick, and knitted a simple teddy - he's almost finished. Has to be filled and given a face. I like to try my hand at most of the different challenges and the only thing I haven't made yet is a Kascuddle.
Welcome to KAS. Chat again soon - regards - Jen
Thank you for joining us and for your contributions to the orphaned and vulnerable children.
To benefit from your membership, you should visit our guidelines: http://forum.knit-a-square.com/forum/categories/forum-guidelines/li..., and to introduce yourself in ‘Meeting You!’ http://forum.knit-a-square.com/forum/categories/meeting-you/listFor...
Here is a post that will touch your heart: http://forum.knit-a-square.com/forum/topics/thank-you-kas-from-the-... You may also like to start you own personal blog in which you can post your news, views and family stories and photos. http://forum.knit-a-square.com/forum/categories/members-personal-bl...
We run a challenge each month. For the next three months it is all about squares. We have a grand total of 55,900 squares we are trying to achieve and would love you to participate.
Don't forget to post photographs of your work. We have an awesome gallery of the work of the KAS community which is really inspiring.
Did you receive the latest ezine? If not you can view it here: http://www.knit-a-square.com/Square_Circle-backissues.html. Follow the blog: www.allfororphans.com for a different perspective on why we need to look out for these children. And for precise details about the project, visit www.knit-a-square.com
Some of our members further support KAS by making a small monthly donation through Paypal (top left hand corner). This is invaluable help as it ensures we can continue to ensure that your work is speedily distributed to the most needy children in South Africa. We are deeply grateful for any donation we receive, be it monetary or squares to help the orphans. Thank you.
If you have any problems using the forum, please don't hesitate to contact your friendly moderators, listed below.
Sandy, Anne, Dawne, Elizabeth, Erin, Jeanne, Kalai, Kyla and Rona
I live in Port Shepstone and have been knitting and crocheting for KAS for more than a year now. I don't think there are too many of us Banana girls here, but I have loved being a member of this group of warm and giving people.
I have not been very active on the forums since the end of July. My husband passed away July 28 and I went to my brother and his wife, who live in France, for a month. Since my return every time we have a storm or a power outage this computer decides not to recognize the external modum which links me to the internet. To get it going I have to crawl around on the floor and fiddle with various bits and pieces not really knowing what I am doing but can usually get lucky.
I have however continued to produce squares, aiming for a square a day but not quite that quick, and knitted a simple teddy - he's almost finished. Has to be filled and given a face. I like to try my hand at most of the different challenges and the only thing I haven't made yet is a Kascuddle.
Welcome to KAS. Chat again soon - regards - Jen