Poor you! All that sunshine and local produce! I don't know any knitters at the moment but one of my friends has started a charity to help farmers in Guinea Birkenau (have I got that right?) where they have links. Also, my son's (primary) school is going to do a whole-school project on Africa next year, so I may try and get some of the kids interested in knitting/spread the word if my French is up to it - I'm hopeful of generating interest! How about you? I'm just going to peg out some washing then off to visit a friend - speak to you later if you're still on line! Bye for now! Kate
Yes, I would love to join the French group, Helen! Sorry, we've been having email problems plus I've been so busy at work that I haven't had time to check my emails at home! I'm in Normandy - are you close by? Kate
Hi Helen, good to hear from you. Glad that you have found KAS the charity that has inspired you to knit. To join the July Challenge just click on Forum at the top of your page then click on 'keep a newborn warm' - move down the page and click on 'reply to this' you will then be able to tell Kyla that you want to be part of the challenge. As for starting a Group for France - just click on Groups at the top of your page and you will see all the Groups so far - at the top right-hand of the page it says + Add a Group - just click on that and take it from there. Any info you need on the July challenge, just contact Kyla. Any further info on creating a French Group, just contact Sandy. They will be delighted to help you. Hope this is helpful to you. Angela x
How lovely to have another member from beautiful France. Hope you enjoy the forum - perhaps you should start a French group as there are other members who are from France.
Please join our July Challenge - keep a newborn warm, making blankets for abandoned babies. And also our July competition to win the beautiful book, The Essential Guide to Color Knitting Techniques. You can find the details in the main forum.
Hi Helen - just to say hello and hope you enjoy being part of the KAS growing family! I think you will agree, everyone is so dedicated in helping to reach the BIG goal and doing whatever they can to support the children of South Africa. They are very enthusiastic, friendly and inspiring. Happy knitting/crocheting. Angela x
My prayers are with you all In France and my beloved Paris.
Best regards from NYC.
Happy Birthday Helen. :))
Eva Grant
How lovely to have another member from beautiful France. Hope you enjoy the forum - perhaps you should start a French group as there are other members who are from France.
Please join our July Challenge - keep a newborn warm, making blankets for abandoned babies. And also our July competition to win the beautiful book, The Essential Guide to Color Knitting Techniques. You can find the details in the main forum.
Did you receive e-zine no 11? If not you can view it here.
Look forward to chatting to you soon, Sandy