Hi J, glad to have you with us on KAS. Sorry I'm abit behind in saying "hello", I had a family invasion over the holidays and the dust only just settled. Well you know what I mean, even with 3 foot of snow here. Do check out the Main Page, in the header above, for a link below the photos on it to the New Member Guide which gives you links and helpful info, plus my rather convoluted guide to how to access the Discussion Boards. I am working to simplify that. Any problems just give me a PM. It's great to have you with us.
Hi J, glad to have you with us on KAS. Sorry I'm abit behind in saying "hello", I had a family invasion over the holidays and the dust only just settled. Well you know what I mean, even with 3 foot of snow here. Do check out the Main Page, in the header above, for a link below the photos on it to the New Member Guide which gives you links and helpful info, plus my rather convoluted guide to how to access the Discussion Boards. I am working to simplify that. Any problems just give me a PM. It's great to have you with us.
Jeanne :)