With 1st clor and size 7 needles, cast on 15 stitches.
Knit 23 rows. Bind off on right side, leaving last st on needle.
Second Square
Pull a loop of the 2nd color through the remaining stitch. Turn work 90 degress, clockwise, and pick up 15 stitches.
Knit 9 rows. Bind off on rs, leaving last stitch on needle.
Turn work clockwise and pick up stitches at end of rows. Knit 9 rows. Bind off on rs, leaving last stitch on needle. Repeat on all sides. Binding off on rs, leave last stitch on needle and cut yarn, leaving a tail.
Third Square
Pull a loop of 3rd color through remaining stitch. Pick up stitches along ends of rows. Knit 7 rows. Bind off on rs, leaving last stitch on needle.
Repeat above instructions on all sides. Bind off on rs, cut yarn and weave in ends.
Pictures of picking up stitches can be found on the purlbee website.
Hi Janey, you are welcome to chime in at the Canadian Corner any time you like. I know the KAS site right now is a bit unorganized or large or confusing or all 3. I can tell you we moderators are in active conversations on how to streamline and simplify the entire site as soon as possible. At the moment I only go to four areas-photos, because I'm so danged curious what others are up to; Canadian corner; my home page and the Forums, where the discussions are. Things will get clearer I promise you, particularly since Sandy just returned from a 4 day seminar on computers and all that.
There appears to be no theft at the post office, which we at first feared; only one package of the many thousands and thousands sent has ever gone missing. The main reason we originally said don't sent strips of squares sewn together is because it could be taken to be a scarf and duty charged at the other end for clothing, ditto with whole blankets.
There is a dedicated group of sewers in South Africa now, ready and waiting to assemble all the blankets. I have some squares ready to go. I only assembled one baby blanket here before sending it and that was because only I could have gotten all those mismatching squares together with a straight outer edge, LMBO! Oh what a strange beast that blanket turned into! Otherwise I have sent just packets of squares; in Canada I send 500g for $8 by sea and they get there great. I have sent completed hats tucked in with the squares, again no problem. The first proper "garment" I will ever send over is this GO-OVER I am working on.
Dang it, did I answer your questions or not? You are welcome to just go to Canadian Corner or any discussion thread and put in a comment or reply any time you would like to. Any questions do get back to me. :)
Hi Janey, welcome to our warm KAS community. We hope you will enjoy the forum and your region's group. Join the Canada group!
There are lots of great discussions going on in the forum, including the monthly challenges.
We are still continuing our July Challenge - keep a newborn warm, making blankets for abandoned babies, and there have been some great results for the August in Africa challenge - you can see photographs under the photos menu. (Details of both challenges in the main forum). We're also embarking on our September challenge which is also under "challenges" in the forum.
Did you receive the latest ezine? If not you can view it here:
Warm wishes for a very Happy Birthday
From the KAS family!
This is the pattern that you were looking for:
Comment by Sharman Carroll on October 25, 2009 at 6:05am
Modified Log Cabin Squares
(Original squares can be found at http://www.purlbee.com/log-cabin-washcloths/2009/8/21/whits-knits)
First Square
With 1st clor and size 7 needles, cast on 15 stitches.
Knit 23 rows. Bind off on right side, leaving last st on needle.
Second Square
Pull a loop of the 2nd color through the remaining stitch. Turn work 90 degress, clockwise, and pick up 15 stitches.
Knit 9 rows. Bind off on rs, leaving last stitch on needle.
Turn work clockwise and pick up stitches at end of rows. Knit 9 rows. Bind off on rs, leaving last stitch on needle. Repeat on all sides. Binding off on rs, leave last stitch on needle and cut yarn, leaving a tail.
Third Square
Pull a loop of 3rd color through remaining stitch. Pick up stitches along ends of rows. Knit 7 rows. Bind off on rs, leaving last stitch on needle.
Repeat above instructions on all sides. Bind off on rs, cut yarn and weave in ends.
Pictures of picking up stitches can be found on the purlbee website.
Best wishes,
There appears to be no theft at the post office, which we at first feared; only one package of the many thousands and thousands sent has ever gone missing. The main reason we originally said don't sent strips of squares sewn together is because it could be taken to be a scarf and duty charged at the other end for clothing, ditto with whole blankets.
There is a dedicated group of sewers in South Africa now, ready and waiting to assemble all the blankets. I have some squares ready to go. I only assembled one baby blanket here before sending it and that was because only I could have gotten all those mismatching squares together with a straight outer edge, LMBO! Oh what a strange beast that blanket turned into! Otherwise I have sent just packets of squares; in Canada I send 500g for $8 by sea and they get there great. I have sent completed hats tucked in with the squares, again no problem. The first proper "garment" I will ever send over is this GO-OVER I am working on.
Dang it, did I answer your questions or not? You are welcome to just go to Canadian Corner or any discussion thread and put in a comment or reply any time you would like to. Any questions do get back to me. :)
Best wishes, Jeanne
There are lots of great discussions going on in the forum, including the monthly challenges.
We are still continuing our July Challenge - keep a newborn warm, making blankets for abandoned babies, and there have been some great results for the August in Africa challenge - you can see photographs under the photos menu. (Details of both challenges in the main forum). We're also embarking on our September challenge which is also under "challenges" in the forum.
Did you receive the latest ezine? If not you can view it here:
Thanks so much for your contribution already, look forward to being in contact soon.
Happy Knitting!
Kalai & Sandy