Thanks for the friend invite...accepted with pleasure. :))
Spotlight and Big W are my favourite stores, too. We don't have Lincraft over here as far as I know. Spotlight and Big W are about an hour away in the city. I am going there Thursday with my son as he has to have a part replaced under warranty on his car. I can hear him groaning already as he hates it when I say "I just need to pop into Spotlight...just for a minute"...he knows I'm lying...I love to wander and wander.......
The last couple of days have been just have to find the time to
Hi Jenine, welcome to the forum ! We are so pleased you have joined our world-wide family of knitters and crocheters. We are dedicated to keeping the children in South Africa warm.
If you have any questions about anything just ask. There is always someone willing to help with the answer.
Do you knit or crochet ? Everyone loves to see what others are doing so please post photos of your work. Just click on the photo section at the top of the page and then follow the prompts.
Have you had a chance to look at the e-zines ? They provide wonderful photos of how our squares are helping these vulnerable children. Their smiles are priceless !
After you have a look around you might like to join the Australian group. There you can discuss specific questions that pertain to your area of the world as yarn weights tend to differ by country. And crochet stitches are different here in Canada ! Also you can join any other group you would like.
Hi Jenine
Have you checked out the latest photos in the 'Blanket Album' thread? Your watermelon-squared blanket has been sewn looks great!!
Hi Jenine.
Best wishes for a Happy Birthday. I hope you have a great day. :))
Hi Jenine, please pop over to the March Challenge and see the lovely comments about your watermelon square ! [pages 44 and 45]
Here's the link:
Hi Jenine
Thanks for the friend invite...accepted with pleasure. :))
Spotlight and Big W are my favourite stores, too. We don't have Lincraft over here as far as I know. Spotlight and Big W are about an hour away in the city. I am going there Thursday with my son as he has to have a part replaced under warranty on his car. I can hear him groaning already as he hates it when I say "I just need to pop into Spotlight...just for a minute"...he knows I'm lying...I love to wander and wander.......
The last couple of days have been just have to find the time to
PS That's great that you have made so many squares all ready. Well done !
Hi Jenine, I'm in Canada so won't be much help about postage costs.
I would suggest you post the question on the Australian group. Someone there will be able to help. Here's the link:
Hi Jenine and welcome to KAS from over on the west side of Oz.
I hope you will enjoy being 'one of us'. We really are a friendly, supportive bunch, so sing out if you need help with anything.
You may like to click on the 'forum' tab located at the top of the page. There are always many interesting discussions...not all are about our craft.
I hope you are enjoying sunshine over in NSW as we are here...just magic!
Hi Jenine, welcome to the forum ! We are so pleased you have joined our world-wide family of knitters and crocheters. We are dedicated to keeping the children in South Africa warm.
If you have any questions about anything just ask. There is always someone willing to help with the answer.
Do you knit or crochet ? Everyone loves to see what others are doing so please post photos of your work. Just click on the photo section at the top of the page and then follow the prompts.
Have you had a chance to look at the e-zines ? They provide wonderful photos of how our squares are helping these vulnerable children. Their smiles are priceless !
After you have a look around you might like to join the Australian group. There you can discuss specific questions that pertain to your area of the world as yarn weights tend to differ by country. And crochet stitches are different here in Canada ! Also you can join any other group you would like.
Welcome, Jenine, from Philadelphia in the USA. So glad you joined us!