Here's my "official" KAS welcome Katie. First, I've never blocked a square, though I think a few could have used it, lol. Mainly mine turn out square enough. Way to go on the pullover! That'll keep someone warm for sure. :D As for the crazy colors on the slip-over, the kids love colors, the more visual stimulation the better! Sorry I'm so late answering, the dust is just settling now from a holiday invasion of family. I loved it but wow it's much saner now, lol. I suggest checking out the Main Page in the Header above, where you'll find a link to the New Member Guide which has my slightly convoluted route to the Discussion Boards in it. That will be fixed, soon I hope. Great to have you with us and hope to see you around the boards! :) Any problems give me a PM.
Here's my "official" KAS welcome Katie. First, I've never blocked a square, though I think a few could have used it, lol. Mainly mine turn out square enough. Way to go on the pullover! That'll keep someone warm for sure. :D As for the crazy colors on the slip-over, the kids love colors, the more visual stimulation the better! Sorry I'm so late answering, the dust is just settling now from a holiday invasion of family. I loved it but wow it's much saner now, lol. I suggest checking out the Main Page in the Header above, where you'll find a link to the New Member Guide which has my slightly convoluted route to the Discussion Boards in it. That will be fixed, soon I hope. Great to have you with us and hope to see you around the boards! :) Any problems give me a PM.
Jeanne :)