Please go to the U.S. Forum page on the KAS website and read about a new fund-raising drive to raise funds for a newer vehicle for Ronda/ She is in great need of a more reliable car to take the blankets to the creches. A donation of any amount is valuable. Thanks
Welcome to KAS, Michelle, from 10 hours north of you in Canada. I was just down in Minneapolis last September to the Renaissance Fair. Had a blast. :)I find KAS such a rewarding cause to be involved in and I hope you enjoy it too. Do check out the New Member Guide which is found by clicking "Main Page" in the header above. To reach the Discussions just click Forum above and if you click on Photos above, you will see items that are heading to Africa, in all colors and shapes, plus those that have arrived there. If you click on Groups, above, you can join the friendly USA group or any groups you wish, to chat with. Any questions just PM me. :)
Right now we do not require any baby items. On the 2012 Wish List discussion is an address where baby items can be mailed. We require Go-Overs, Slipovers (soft vests), hats and squares and more squares. Sizes of these items are a minimum of toddler size and preferred is 5 years old to early teen in size, hats fitting a small adult head work for the children. Thank you so much for anything you can do for the orphans, there are literally millions of them.
So, welcome to Knit A Square! Blankets and hats and sweaters direct from our hands to their hearts, a win-win. And now we’re helping out in Zimbabwe too and they need everything over there. I just love making a real difference in a child’s life. So welcome aboard!
Hi Michelle, great to have a fellow crocheter on the forum. How delightful to be making the animals.
The big push right now is for squares and more squares ! The prison in South Africa (see the e-zine "KAS goes to prison") has a program for their inmates to sew the squares into blankets for the children. It's a win-win situation for both groups.
There are so many interesting crochet patterns out there that it's fun to try out the pattern by making a square, I tend to try a pattern and if I like it, I make 6 or 7 the same !
Michelle...I'm from Philly...sorry, I confused you. I see that you are from Minneapolis...I've never been there but would love to visit your city some day!
Hi Michelle, welcome to the forum ! We are so pleased you have joined our world-wide family of knitters and crocheters. We are dedicated to keeping the children in South Africa warm.
If you have any questions about anything just ask ! There is always someone willing to help with the answer.
Do you knit or crochet ? Everyone loves to see what others are doing so please post photos of your work. Just click on the photo section at the top of the page and then follow the prompts.
Have you had a chance to look at the e-zines ? They provide wonderful photos of how our squares are helping these vulnerable children. Their smiles are priceless !
After you have a look around you might like to join the US group. There you can discuss specific questions that pertain to your area of the world as yarn weights tend to differ by country. The US group is talking about adopting another creche....last year the group adopted 3 ! Also you can join any other group you would like.
Please go to the U.S. Forum page on the KAS website and read about a new fund-raising drive to raise funds for a newer vehicle for Ronda/ She is in great need of a more reliable car to take the blankets to the creches. A donation of any amount is valuable. Thanks
Hi Michelle, sending "Happy Birthday" wishes ! Hope your day is filled with yarn and hooks :-)
Welcome to KAS, Michelle, from 10 hours north of you in Canada. I was just down in Minneapolis last September to the Renaissance Fair. Had a blast. :)I find KAS such a rewarding cause to be involved in and I hope you enjoy it too. Do check out the New Member Guide which is found by clicking "Main Page" in the header above. To reach the Discussions just click Forum above and if you click on Photos above, you will see items that are heading to Africa, in all colors and shapes, plus those that have arrived there. If you click on Groups, above, you can join the friendly USA group or any groups you wish, to chat with. Any questions just PM me. :)
Right now we do not require any baby items. On the 2012 Wish List discussion is an address where baby items can be mailed. We require Go-Overs, Slipovers (soft vests), hats and squares and more squares. Sizes of these items are a minimum of toddler size and preferred is 5 years old to early teen in size, hats fitting a small adult head work for the children. Thank you so much for anything you can do for the orphans, there are literally millions of them.
So, welcome to Knit A Square! Blankets and hats and sweaters direct from our hands to their hearts, a win-win. And now we’re helping out in Zimbabwe too and they need everything over there. I just love making a real difference in a child’s life. So welcome aboard!
Hi Michelle, great to have a fellow crocheter on the forum. How delightful to be making the animals.
The big push right now is for squares and more squares ! The prison in South Africa (see the e-zine "KAS goes to prison") has a program for their inmates to sew the squares into blankets for the children. It's a win-win situation for both groups.
There are so many interesting crochet patterns out there that it's fun to try out the pattern by making a square, I tend to try a pattern and if I like it, I make 6 or 7 the same !
Looking forward to sharing patterns.
Michelle...I'm from Philly...sorry, I confused you. I see that you are from Minneapolis...I've never been there but would love to visit your city some day!
Welcome, Michelle, from suburban Philadelphia. Glad you found us as we all believe in helping the children of South Africa, too.
Hi Michelle, welcome to the forum ! We are so pleased you have joined our world-wide family of knitters and crocheters. We are dedicated to keeping the children in South Africa warm.
If you have any questions about anything just ask ! There is always someone willing to help with the answer.
Do you knit or crochet ? Everyone loves to see what others are doing so please post photos of your work. Just click on the photo section at the top of the page and then follow the prompts.
Have you had a chance to look at the e-zines ? They provide wonderful photos of how our squares are helping these vulnerable children. Their smiles are priceless !
After you have a look around you might like to join the US group. There you can discuss specific questions that pertain to your area of the world as yarn weights tend to differ by country. The US group is talking about adopting another creche....last year the group adopted 3 ! Also you can join any other group you would like.