Pam, that sounds like a lovely way to spend your birthdays. It's always nice to be pampered on your birthday.
My husband and I also enjoy walking and ballroom dancing. We took ballroom dancing classes for a couple of years....for exercise and then because we were enjoying the dancing.
Welcome, finally, quite late, Pamela to KAS! That's me all over, tardy. :P Sorry I'm so late in this, the dust is just settling now from a holiday invasion of family at my house. I loved it but wow it's much saner now here, well as sane as I ever get, lol. I suggest checking out the Main Page in the Header above, where you'll find a link to the New Member Guide which has my slightly convoluted route to the Discussion Boards in it. That will be fixed, soon I hope. Great to have you with us and hope to see you around the boards! :) Any problems give me a PM. We've just posted a Featured Discussion on the Discussion Boards index...all about postage, where to send etc. Hope it helps! Sorry again I'm slow. I only just started this welcoming bit..I know behind the barn door again. Yep, that's me! :P (to get direct to the Discussions Board click on Patterns in the header above, then click on Squares, on that page look above the title Squares, you'll see "All Discussions". Click on that and presto, the Discussions Index with the Featured Discussions right at the top.
I think we have swapped weather conditions......we had rain for 2 days ! Most unusual for northern Ontario in December. Fortunately, it has turned cold and we are hoping for snow. I know you are thinking me strange but we like the snow :-) For exercise, we go snowshoeing. It's great fun tramping through the woods, especially if it is a sunny day.
Hope the weather improves for you. Have you had problems with water pipes? We saw that Thirsk is having problems and other parts of the U.K. as well.
Yes we have been to Redcar. In fact, we were there is September ( it rained most of the time we were there ). We come over about every 2 years. My husband's aunt and uncle are in their 80's so we like to get over as often as possible.
Glad to know your snow is gone. Hopefully the next batch will be a light dusting :-)
Temperatures here were about -10C which would have been fine except the windchill made it feel colder. At least we have heat in our homes and warm clothes to wear.
Hi Pamela and welcome. I'm an exiled Geordie so I keep up to date with the news and weather. From what I can remember of Redcar it's a fairly windy town.
Although your discussion is now closed I find garter stitch knits thicker than st. st. but the actual pattern of the garment often dictates
Welcome to the forum ! Although I'm in Canada we are quite familiar with Redcar. My husband still has family there ( an aunt and uncle and cousins ) How did you hear about KAS ?
We are experiencing a snowstorm today....but that would be nothing new for you ! I understand the north east had come to a standstill with all the snow you have been getting.
I'm going to spend the day by the fire crocheting the last of the Christmas gifts. Maybe next year I'll start in August :-)
Hi Pam
Happy Birthday....hope you are having a great day. :))
Pam, that sounds like a lovely way to spend your birthdays. It's always nice to be pampered on your birthday.
My husband and I also enjoy walking and ballroom dancing. We took ballroom dancing classes for a couple of years....for exercise and then because we were enjoying the dancing.
HI Pam,
Sending you early Happy Birthday wishes !
Welcome, finally, quite late, Pamela to KAS! That's me all over, tardy. :P Sorry I'm so late in this, the dust is just settling now from a holiday invasion of family at my house. I loved it but wow it's much saner now here, well as sane as I ever get, lol. I suggest checking out the Main Page in the Header above, where you'll find a link to the New Member Guide which has my slightly convoluted route to the Discussion Boards in it. That will be fixed, soon I hope. Great to have you with us and hope to see you around the boards! :) Any problems give me a PM. We've just posted a Featured Discussion on the Discussion Boards index...all about postage, where to send etc. Hope it helps! Sorry again I'm slow. I only just started this welcoming bit..I know behind the barn door again. Yep, that's me! :P (to get direct to the Discussions Board click on Patterns in the header above, then click on Squares, on that page look above the title Squares, you'll see "All Discussions". Click on that and presto, the Discussions Index with the Featured Discussions right at the top.
Jeanne :)
Hi Pam,
I think we have swapped weather conditions......we had rain for 2 days ! Most unusual for northern Ontario in December. Fortunately, it has turned cold and we are hoping for snow. I know you are thinking me strange but we like the snow :-) For exercise, we go snowshoeing. It's great fun tramping through the woods, especially if it is a sunny day.
Hope the weather improves for you. Have you had problems with water pipes? We saw that Thirsk is having problems and other parts of the U.K. as well.
Merry Christmas Pam,
Wishing you a Happy Christmas.....and a "snow less" New Year :-)
HI Pam,
Yes we have been to Redcar. In fact, we were there is September ( it rained most of the time we were there ). We come over about every 2 years. My husband's aunt and uncle are in their 80's so we like to get over as often as possible.
Glad to know your snow is gone. Hopefully the next batch will be a light dusting :-)
Temperatures here were about -10C which would have been fine except the windchill made it feel colder. At least we have heat in our homes and warm clothes to wear.
Talk to you later.
Hi Pamela and welcome. I'm an exiled Geordie so I keep up to date with the news and weather. From what I can remember of Redcar it's a fairly windy town.
Although your discussion is now closed I find garter stitch knits thicker than st. st. but the actual pattern of the garment often dictates
Happy knitting
Hi Pamela,
Welcome to the forum ! Although I'm in Canada we are quite familiar with Redcar. My husband still has family there ( an aunt and uncle and cousins ) How did you hear about KAS ?
We are experiencing a snowstorm today....but that would be nothing new for you ! I understand the north east had come to a standstill with all the snow you have been getting.
I'm going to spend the day by the fire crocheting the last of the Christmas gifts. Maybe next year I'll start in August :-)