Hi! I do hope I did not offend you with my comments about reading in English etc .........it's just that I live in an area where we also have young children living rough in the bush - they don't go to school and sometimes go back to the bushes even when attempts have been made to re-unite them with their families. Poverty, abuse, missing parents - so many conditions make home-life untenable for them. These kids even sniff glue, a cheap method of overcoming the misery and squalor of their lives. Our local newspaper's front page headlines for this week, make a plea for people to find ways of just feeding these youngsters. A local charity shop here is raising funds to hand out vitamin tablets to help the children from breaking out in sores and curing those who have. There are many things one can do and you certainly do have lots ideas to keep us all on our toes - so please don't think I was knocking anything you have suggested. regards - Jen
It takes a while for me to get back. I have some thinner squares too and I am sure the comfort club will find ways to use them Just now I am doing tighter needles for the 'boys' and/or kids on the hill for the challenge. The first challenge I have entered.
Hi there
Thank you for all your comments. My knitting is not as open as your blanket picuture and I think it is OK.We have had heaps of wool donated at work and all my colleagues are in the running to make squares now so we have all differnts sized needles and wool all aiming for the 8" square.I am off work and knitting furiously after breaking my ankle so I have plenty of time on my handsto knit!
Thank you for all your comments. My knitting is not as open as your blanket picuture and I think it is OK.We have had heaps of wool donated at work and all my colleagues are in the running to make squares now so we have all differnts sized needles and wool all aiming for the 8" square.I am off work and knitting furiously after breaking my ankle so I have plenty of time on my handsto knit!