Welcome, finally, quite late, Rosie to KAS! That's me all over, tardy. :P Sorry I'm so late in this, the dust is just settling now from a holiday invasion of family at my house. I loved it but wow it's much saner now here, well as sane as I ever get, lol. I suggest checking out the Main Page in the Header above, where you'll find a link to the New Member Guide which has my slightly convoluted route to the Discussion Boards in it. That will be fixed, soon I hope. Great to have you with us and hope to see you around the boards! :) Any problems give me a PM. We've just posted a Featured Discussion on the Discussion Boards index...all about postage, where to send etc. Hope it helps! Sorry again I'm slow. I only just started this welcoming bit..I know behind the barn door again. Yep, that's me! :P (to get direct to the Discussions Board click on Patterns in the header above, then click on Squares, on that page look above the title Squares, you'll see "All Discussions". Click on that and presto, the Discussions Index with the Featured Discussions right at the top.
Hi Rosie
Welcome! I'm an exiled Geordie living in the East Midlands, but I still like to keep up to date with the North East.
We had to abandon a trip up North last week due to the weather. I have relatives in Allandale and by last weekend they had 3 ft. of snow I hope you had less.
I joined KAS a few weeks ago having laid up my pins for 25 years, but I have to say I am loving getting back into knitting.
Bye for now, Barbara x
Hello again Rosie! To join the local UK Group, click on the Groups tab on the front page of the Forum, then select the UK Group - it is depicted with Big Ben. There are two pages of groups so if you don't see ours, go to the next page - for some reason we move around.
We usually use double knit and cast on 36 stitches, the knit enough to complete an 8inch square. However, you can use different size yarn, as long as it turns into 8in. Once you get familiar with the Forum you'll discover various patterns. I'm not the best person to ask on knitting as I can only 'plain Janes' simple sqs - in fact I prefer to use 4mm kiddies needles! some Kas members use a ruler, but I found cutting out a cardboard square to 8inches/21cm is a good guide. Also you need to leave a metre of yarn at the end for the Ladies in Soweto to sew the squares into blankets.
Although it has been bitterly cold down here, us southern softees don't know we have been born as far as 'bad weather' is concerned. I shudder at the TV pics of you all up to your armpits with snow! Two inches here and we grind to a standstill..........
If you get stuck in navigating the Forum, e-mail me : service@sycamore-wholefoods.co.uk and I'll post you a flyer which gives the details.
Hi Rosie, Welcome to the KAS forum and I hope you enjoy being part of this friendly & lively community. Do you knit or crochet or both? Around the world caring people are all taking direct action and team-working with the Ladies of the Soweto Comfort Club - it is making a difference to many parentless children. When you've had a chance to look around the site you would be very welcome to join the UK group for more local news and chat.
Glad your web search directed to you our team!
You can also personalize your own page by clicking on the My Page tab on the menu. Also you can access Settings on this page and set your privacy terms.
Welcome, finally, quite late, Rosie to KAS! That's me all over, tardy. :P Sorry I'm so late in this, the dust is just settling now from a holiday invasion of family at my house. I loved it but wow it's much saner now here, well as sane as I ever get, lol. I suggest checking out the Main Page in the Header above, where you'll find a link to the New Member Guide which has my slightly convoluted route to the Discussion Boards in it. That will be fixed, soon I hope. Great to have you with us and hope to see you around the boards! :) Any problems give me a PM. We've just posted a Featured Discussion on the Discussion Boards index...all about postage, where to send etc. Hope it helps! Sorry again I'm slow. I only just started this welcoming bit..I know behind the barn door again. Yep, that's me! :P (to get direct to the Discussions Board click on Patterns in the header above, then click on Squares, on that page look above the title Squares, you'll see "All Discussions". Click on that and presto, the Discussions Index with the Featured Discussions right at the top.
Jeanne :)
Merry Christmas Rosie !
Wishing you a Happy Christmas....and a "snow less" New Year :-)
Welcome ! How are you surviving the snow ? We have family in Staindrop and Barnard Castle so have been keeping up with the weather reports !
Welcome! I'm an exiled Geordie living in the East Midlands, but I still like to keep up to date with the North East.
We had to abandon a trip up North last week due to the weather. I have relatives in Allandale and by last weekend they had 3 ft. of snow I hope you had less.
I joined KAS a few weeks ago having laid up my pins for 25 years, but I have to say I am loving getting back into knitting.
Bye for now, Barbara x
We usually use double knit and cast on 36 stitches, the knit enough to complete an 8inch square. However, you can use different size yarn, as long as it turns into 8in. Once you get familiar with the Forum you'll discover various patterns. I'm not the best person to ask on knitting as I can only 'plain Janes' simple sqs - in fact I prefer to use 4mm kiddies needles! some Kas members use a ruler, but I found cutting out a cardboard square to 8inches/21cm is a good guide. Also you need to leave a metre of yarn at the end for the Ladies in Soweto to sew the squares into blankets.
Although it has been bitterly cold down here, us southern softees don't know we have been born as far as 'bad weather' is concerned. I shudder at the TV pics of you all up to your armpits with snow! Two inches here and we grind to a standstill..........
If you get stuck in navigating the Forum, e-mail me : service@sycamore-wholefoods.co.uk and I'll post you a flyer which gives the details.
Take care and keep warm. Pam
Glad your web search directed to you our team!
You can also personalize your own page by clicking on the My Page tab on the menu. Also you can access Settings on this page and set your privacy terms.