Carole, if you ever come to St. Albans Market on a Wednesday please do come and say hello. My brother Nick & I have a Wholefood and Herbs & Spice stall outside the closed down McDonalds at the north end of the main street. If you would like some KAS flyers to share with friends I always have a supply tucked away. And of course, it would be very good to meet you!
Welcome to KAS, Carole from across the Pond in Canada. I was born in UK, we left when I was 6 but I've visited a few times. :) My mum was a whiz knitter, she taught herself during WW2 but I'm a crocheter. She could knit a fancy pattern, watch tv, talk to me and never miss a stitch. I am not in her category but crocheting squares is giving me tons of practice which I need! I find KAS such a rewarding cause to be involved in and I hope you enjoy it too. Do check out the New Member Guide which is found by clicking "Main Page" in the header above. To reach the Discussions just click Forum above and if you click on Photos above, you will see items that are heading to Africa, in all colors and shapes, plus those that have arrived there. If you click on Groups, above, you can join the UK group or any group you wish, to chat. Any questions just PM me. :) So, welcome to Knit A Square! Blankets and hats and sweaters direct from our hands to their hearts, a win-win.
Welcome to KAS, Carole from across the Pond in Canada. I was born in UK, we left when I was 6 but I've visited a few times. :) My mum was a whiz knitter, she taught herself during WW2 but I'm a crocheter. She could knit a fancy pattern, watch tv, talk to me and never miss a stitch. I am not in her category but crocheting squares is giving me tons of practice which I need! I find KAS such a rewarding cause to be involved in and I hope you enjoy it too. Do check out the New Member Guide which is found by clicking "Main Page" in the header above. To reach the Discussions just click Forum above and if you click on Photos above, you will see items that are heading to Africa, in all colors and shapes, plus those that have arrived there. If you click on Groups, above, you can join the UK group or any group you wish, to chat. Any questions just PM me. :) So, welcome to Knit A Square! Blankets and hats and sweaters direct from our hands to their hearts, a win-win.