Hi Angela, just approved your blog post, but think your privacy settings may be blocking it. However, blog posts on Ning disappear very quickly and only a few people will see it. Best to post it in the Meeting you & Members Personal Blogs discussion, here is the link : http://forum.knit-a-square.com/forum/categories/meeting-you-and-mem...
Ning is a funny beast, but OK when one gets to grips with it! If you need any help, please just ask. Welcome to the Forum. Pam [Admin.]
Best of Luck, Angela!!
Hi Angela, just approved your blog post, but think your privacy settings may be blocking it. However, blog posts on Ning disappear very quickly and only a few people will see it. Best to post it in the Meeting you & Members Personal Blogs discussion, here is the link : http://forum.knit-a-square.com/forum/categories/meeting-you-and-mem...
Ning is a funny beast, but OK when one gets to grips with it! If you need any help, please just ask. Welcome to the Forum. Pam [Admin.]
Welcome to Knit-a- Square , Angela!
Hi Angela.
A warm welcome to the Knit-A-Square forum....from over here in WA.
Thank you for joining us. :))