Welcome to Knit A Square from NW Ontario above Minnesota! Sorry I’m late with this, my health’s not been brilliant lately. Am I ever brilliant? Ahem, I’m here and sincere now. Greetings! Please feel free to visit Discussions or join Groups to talk about things or go to Photos to see what some members are up to. These are in a line on top of the page, just click on them. As for the photos, talk about yarn artistry! Try not to be intimidated, I’m a plain square person myself but it’s lovely to view the more artsy squares. KAS is a very positive group and all these squares and sweaters and hats etc. go to help the poorest of the poor, the South African AIDS/HIV orphans who are parentless and being cared for by many good and kind folk in often desperate surroundings. Our crocheted, knitted and sewn items can help give a child hope for the future because they are not forgotten, plus warmth and a smile and often a toy to cuddle. Glad you’re with us!
Hello Catherine, from a fellow Canadian. I'm a 'few' hours west of you in Ontario :-) So glad you have joined us. Keeping the children in South Africa warm has brought together a world-wide group of caring knitters and crocheters.
If you haven’t already, please read through the welcome message on the forum main page for helpful hints and things that might interest you. The FAQ category should answer any general questions you may have. If not, please ask. http://forum.knit-a-square.com
Looking for patterns? Check the KAS Pattern Book for garments and squares for the children. We are focusing on children aged 3-9 years old.
Every month, we list the squares, beanies and tops that have arrived in South Africa. To find the ‘Squares lists’ please click the Forum tab [in the bar above] then on “Tallies/Item Count” for an up-to-date listing.
Click Here for a few tips for sending your parcel. Postal information is here.
We have a challenge each month. This is a fun way to try new colours, ideas or patterns. A theme is chosen, and if you wish, you may create something new and different......it could be making a plain square using a new colour, a different stitch or trying a totally new way of knitting/ crocheting. An 8”/20cm square is the perfect size for experimenting.
This month we are Celebrating the Variegated Square. These yarns are such fun and create a uniquely different pattern with each square made. We would love to see your creations ! Click here to join the discussion.
If you are interested in joining any of our challenges, please note: Your parcel does not need to arrive in South Africa before the end of the challenge month. Many of us use sea-mail and find parcels take between 6-10 weeks to arrive. Whenever your parcel arrives, know it will be appreciated and that you are keeping children warm.
As always, making the basic square is a wonderful way to relax and still help the children. Plain Janes, as they are affectionately called, are the backbone of KAS. Since it takes 35 different squares to make one blanket, squares are needed all the time.
We would love to see photos of your work. Click on the photo option at the top of the page and follow the prompts.
Welcome to Knit A Square from NW Ontario above Minnesota! Sorry I’m late with this, my health’s not been brilliant lately. Am I ever brilliant? Ahem, I’m here and sincere now. Greetings! Please feel free to visit Discussions or join Groups to talk about things or go to Photos to see what some members are up to. These are in a line on top of the page, just click on them. As for the photos, talk about yarn artistry! Try not to be intimidated, I’m a plain square person myself but it’s lovely to view the more artsy squares. KAS is a very positive group and all these squares and sweaters and hats etc. go to help the poorest of the poor, the South African AIDS/HIV orphans who are parentless and being cared for by many good and kind folk in often desperate surroundings. Our crocheted, knitted and sewn items can help give a child hope for the future because they are not forgotten, plus warmth and a smile and often a toy to cuddle. Glad you’re with us!
Catherine, what a lovely way to spend your birthday ! I'm amazed you actually had time to finish a hat :-)
Happy Birthday Catherine. :))
Hi Catherine, I'm a little early in sending "Happy Birthday" wishes . Enjoy your day with your family.
Welcome, Catherine, from suburban Philadelphia in the lower 48. So glad you've joined us!
Hi Catherine, your weather sounds like ours ! We had frost warnings last night and the temps today were 25C.
You can either post on the group page or ask any member [me, included ] if you have a specific question.
Your little girl looks like she has lots of hair !
Welcome Catherine from the UK. You can also catch-up with events and news through our monthly news bulletin KasSnippets : http://forum.knit-a-square.com/forum/categories/kas-snippets/listFo... This will provide a taster of what happens during a KAS month!
We also have two new videos which are work checking out :
1. http://youtu.be/hgPcGIT3n6A
2. http://youtu.be/UIrfmIYuHYE
Welcome to KAS Catherine and warm greetings from South Africa :)
Hello Catherine, from a fellow Canadian. I'm a 'few' hours west of you in Ontario :-) So glad you have joined us. Keeping the children in South Africa warm has brought together a world-wide group of caring knitters and crocheters.
If you haven’t already, please read through the welcome message on the forum main page for helpful hints and things that might interest you. The FAQ category should answer any general questions you may have. If not, please ask. http://forum.knit-a-square.com
Looking for patterns? Check the KAS Pattern Book for garments and squares for the children. We are focusing on children aged 3-9 years old.
Every month, we list the squares, beanies and tops that have arrived in South Africa. To find the ‘Squares lists’ please click the Forum tab [in the bar above] then on “Tallies/Item Count” for an up-to-date listing.
Click Here for a few tips for sending your parcel. Postal information is here.
We have a challenge each month. This is a fun way to try new colours, ideas or patterns. A theme is chosen, and if you wish, you may create something new and different......it could be making a plain square using a new colour, a different stitch or trying a totally new way of knitting/ crocheting. An 8”/20cm square is the perfect size for experimenting.
This month we are Celebrating the Variegated Square. These yarns are such fun and create a uniquely different pattern with each square made. We would love to see your creations ! Click here to join the discussion.
If you are interested in joining any of our challenges, please note: Your parcel does not need to arrive in South Africa before the end of the challenge month. Many of us use sea-mail and find parcels take between 6-10 weeks to arrive. Whenever your parcel arrives, know it will be appreciated and that you are keeping children warm.
As always, making the basic square is a wonderful way to relax and still help the children. Plain Janes, as they are affectionately called, are the backbone of KAS. Since it takes 35 different squares to make one blanket, squares are needed all the time.
We would love to see photos of your work. Click on the photo option at the top of the page and follow the prompts.
Enjoy !