Square Circle Forum
West Sussex
Birthday: November 28
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Happy Birthday Charlotte
Hope you have a great day. :))
welcome and what a way to start. Straight in to the flags. They will wrap a child this coming winter. I live in
Tasmania and we did get the Airline show. I don't watch it as I do a bit of flying and collect my own stories. I love knitting for KAS. :)
Welcome to KAS Charlotte and warm greetings from South Africa :)
November 28
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Happy Birthday Charlotte
Hope you have a great day. :))
welcome and what a way to start. Straight in to the flags. They will wrap a child this coming winter. I live in
Tasmania and we did get the Airline show. I don't watch it as I do a bit of flying and collect my own stories. I love knitting for KAS. :)
Welcome to KAS Charlotte and warm greetings from South Africa :)