Ronda has expressed the need for a newer vehicle to transport squares and blankets. Helen Flagg has proposed to the US Group that we raise funds to help KAS purchase a car. The idea has gone global and there is an initiative on the forum about it. Check the latest ezine video at:
Also, The Humble Stitch Project has offered to ship all squares, hats, sweaters, cuddles, toys, etc. received in Florida by Dec 15th to South Africa for us for free. Check out their offer and the address on the Forum in the US Group.
Hope your assessment went well Christina. What lovely knitting you do. I agree with Jeanne, that's a really imaginative idea, sending pillowcases to the children in the orphanage.
Hi Christina. I think the pillowcases are such a super idea. The orphan children DO need something of their very own, whatever country they're in. I know Zimbabwe asked if they could be included in Knit A Square as their need is great too. We're still working overtime it seems to fill the vast need in South Africa alone, even just in Johannesburg and surroundings, but all one has to do is look around to see many children who need help and would love something personal. They need to know they matter and are important to someone. Anyways thanks for all the info, I read it with interest. :)
Yeah, Christina, I know what you mean. I have felt such joy making squares and hats for the orphans. I must ask, in your pictures on your page, is that big white cat yours? He/she is such a fluffy beauty. The pattern of the knitted piece infront of them is really pretty. Was that a sweater in progress? And what are you four girls holding up? Pillowcases? Just really curious. :)
Welcome to KAS, from up in snowy Canada above MN. I wish I could send you our snow, or the flood waters next door to us in Manitoba, I've winced everytime I get fresh news from Texas--those wildfires! Hang in there eh? I agree with your reason for knitting/crocheting for KAS, finding this site was an answer to prayer for me, I wanted to make a direct difference, from me to them. And this is it! :D
I find KAS such a rewarding cause to be involved in and I hope you enjoy it too. Do check out the New Member Guide which is found by clicking "Main Page" in the header above. To reach the Discussions just click Forum above. Any questions just PM me. :) So, welcome to Knit A Square! Blankets and hats and sweaters direct from our hands to their hearts, a win-win.
Welcome Christina. Hope you are not affected by the wildfires...the weather has been crazy this spring. We have had rain,rain and more rain here in the East. So glad you joined us!
Dear Christina,
Ronda has expressed the need for a newer vehicle to transport squares and blankets. Helen Flagg has proposed to the US Group that we raise funds to help KAS purchase a car. The idea has gone global and there is an initiative on the forum about it. Check the latest ezine video at:
To visit the US Group, click on this link:
Also, The Humble Stitch Project has offered to ship all squares, hats, sweaters, cuddles, toys, etc. received in Florida by Dec 15th to South Africa for us for free. Check out their offer and the address on the Forum in the US Group.
Hope to see you there!
Debbie Posmontier
Moderator for USA
Welcome to KAS, from up in snowy Canada above MN. I wish I could send you our snow, or the flood waters next door to us in Manitoba, I've winced everytime I get fresh news from Texas--those wildfires! Hang in there eh? I agree with your reason for knitting/crocheting for KAS, finding this site was an answer to prayer for me, I wanted to make a direct difference, from me to them. And this is it! :D
I find KAS such a rewarding cause to be involved in and I hope you enjoy it too. Do check out the New Member Guide which is found by clicking "Main Page" in the header above. To reach the Discussions just click Forum above. Any questions just PM me. :) So, welcome to Knit A Square! Blankets and hats and sweaters direct from our hands to their hearts, a win-win.