Please go to the U.S. Forum page on the KAS website and read about a new fund-raising drive to raise funds for a newer vehicle for Ronda. She is in great need of a more reliable car to take the blankets to the creches. A donation of any amount is valuable. Thanks
Hi Christine, welcome to the forum ! Just read your comment on the US group and it is great that you want to help with the creche. Helen's suggestions about reading through the group discussion is a good way to understand about the creche adoption. The nice thing about a group adoption is that everyone can give according to their means, no donation is too small.
Also here is a link to the e-zine in which Sandy talks about a few of the creches where donations have been made. It is from 2010 but the idea is the same for each distribution.....a blanket, a hat and a toy for each child and food and stationery supplies for the creche. For only $550 a creche the volunteers in South Africa do all this ! Where else could we get such value for money. I just love the happy faces. These children have so little and appreciate everything they are given.
Welcome, Christine. I'm from suburban Philadelphia and have been knitting for KAS for several years. You will find us a friendly bunch. So glad you joined us!
Please go to the U.S. Forum page on the KAS website and read about a new fund-raising drive to raise funds for a newer vehicle for Ronda. She is in great need of a more reliable car to take the blankets to the creches. A donation of any amount is valuable. Thanks
welcome Christine, enjoy knitting.
Hi Christine, welcome to the forum ! Just read your comment on the US group and it is great that you want to help with the creche. Helen's suggestions about reading through the group discussion is a good way to understand about the creche adoption. The nice thing about a group adoption is that everyone can give according to their means, no donation is too small.
Also here is a link to the e-zine in which Sandy talks about a few of the creches where donations have been made. It is from 2010 but the idea is the same for each distribution.....a blanket, a hat and a toy for each child and food and stationery supplies for the creche. For only $550 a creche the volunteers in South Africa do all this ! Where else could we get such value for money. I just love the happy faces. These children have so little and appreciate everything they are given.
Welcome Christine :)
Welcome, Christine. I'm from suburban Philadelphia and have been knitting for KAS for several years. You will find us a friendly bunch. So glad you joined us!