Hello Judy, so glad you’ve joined us. Keeping the children in South Africa warm has brought together a world-wide group of caring knitters and crocheters.
I was in Melbourne a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed my visit. Since you are in Melbourne, do you know Sandy and family?
If you haven’t already, please read through the welcome message on the forum main page for helpful hints and things that might interest you. http://forum.knit-a-square.co
Making the basic square is a wonderful way to relax and still help the children. Plain Jane squares, as they are affectionately called, are the backbone of KAS. They are always needed since it takes 35 squares to make one blanket.
We would love to see photos of your work. Click on the photo option at the top of the page, click “Add” and follow the prompts.
Greetings Judy from way over in the middle of Canada! Welcome to a worldwide network of loving happy people helping African Aids orphans. Glad to have you with us. We have several "Ozians" here, check out the Australian group in the Groups header above. It's so heartening to know that in this global, often so impersonal world, we're actually making a difference, a REAL difference, in the lives of these children. Check out the Forum, above again in the header line, for the various discussion threads, and Photos for all the lovely photos of members' work and Groups where you can join groups from countries around the world. And please don't be intimidated, we range from experts, true yarn artists and designers, right down to those who have fun keeping their edges straight on a plain 8" square--like ME. :)
The Featured Discussions grouping (in the Forum section) show the most important subjects at the moment, latest challenges, latest news etc. I also recommend the Anyone Want to Chat Discussion section, which contains the Our Furry Companions and Yarnaholics threads. I am so much a Yarnaholic! Thanks again for helping the AIDS orphans in Africa!
Hello Judy, so glad you’ve joined us. Keeping the children in South Africa warm has brought together a world-wide group of caring knitters and crocheters.
I was in Melbourne a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed my visit. Since you are in Melbourne, do you know Sandy and family?
If you haven’t already, please read through the welcome message on the forum main page for helpful hints and things that might interest you. http://forum.knit-a-square.co
Making the basic square is a wonderful way to relax and still help the children. Plain Jane squares, as they are affectionately called, are the backbone of KAS. They are always needed since it takes 35 squares to make one blanket.
We would love to see photos of your work. Click on the photo option at the top of the page, click “Add” and follow the prompts.
Enjoy !
Greetings Judy from way over in the middle of Canada! Welcome to a worldwide network of loving happy people helping African Aids orphans. Glad to have you with us. We have several "Ozians" here, check out the Australian group in the Groups header above. It's so heartening to know that in this global, often so impersonal world, we're actually making a difference, a REAL difference, in the lives of these children. Check out the Forum, above again in the header line, for the various discussion threads, and Photos for all the lovely photos of members' work and Groups where you can join groups from countries around the world. And please don't be intimidated, we range from experts, true yarn artists and designers, right down to those who have fun keeping their edges straight on a plain 8" square--like ME. :)
The Featured Discussions grouping (in the Forum section) show the most important subjects at the moment, latest challenges, latest news etc. I also recommend the Anyone Want to Chat Discussion section, which contains the Our Furry Companions and Yarnaholics threads. I am so much a Yarnaholic! Thanks again for helping the AIDS orphans in Africa!
Welcome to KAS Judy and warm greetings from South Africa :)