Hi Merissa, wonderful job you have done teaching your students to knit squares. It is always encouraging to know that young people are willing to help other children.
I thought you might like the information in this discussion. It mentions the length of the tails and also how to pack the squares.
Welcome, Merissa. So happy to hear you have students knitting! I have done the same thing here in the Philadelphia area in the USA. I find that the USPS is far less expensive than UPS or FedEx. Is there a public mail system in Shanghai? Hopefully, someone can answer your question and perhaps provide a street address for delivery in SA.
Hi Merissa, wonderful job you have done teaching your students to knit squares. It is always encouraging to know that young people are willing to help other children.
I thought you might like the information in this discussion. It mentions the length of the tails and also how to pack the squares.
Also here's an easy way to keep the tails neat and tidy.
(Sorry if I've gone on a bit....I'm also a teacher :-)
Welcome, Merissa. So happy to hear you have students knitting! I have done the same thing here in the Philadelphia area in the USA. I find that the USPS is far less expensive than UPS or FedEx. Is there a public mail system in Shanghai? Hopefully, someone can answer your question and perhaps provide a street address for delivery in SA.