Hi Sharon, from way over in Canada. You must be getting cooler while we're heating up. It's very muggy and humid right now, I'm hoping for a rain to cool us off and to water our vegetable garden for us. I love your knitting....you like to get funky with color combinations on hats, like I do and your vests are really nicely knit. I'm a crocheter but my Mum could knit up a storm. Love your photo of all you've done, that's awesome! Any questions, just ask. :)
Sharon, if you haven't sent a parcel before please check with Bev Jeffery for postal rates. If you don't have the "right" size for the P.O. the price can be horrendous. The parcels can be sent surface rate as parcels are arriving in South Africa all the time.
Here in Canada, the rate for 2 kg is $28.52 for surface and it jumps to over $100 for Airmail. Plus anything over 2 kg is a ridiculous price.
Hello Sharon, so glad you have joined our world-wide family of knitters and crocheters. We are dedicated to keeping the children in South Africa warm.
Please read through the welcome message on the forum main page for helpful hints and things that might interest you. http://forum.knit-a-square.com
If you appreciate a “challenge”, you might like to join the Monthly challenge. This is a fun way to try new ideas. Every month, a theme is chosen to challenge the forum members to create something new and different......it could be a new colour, a different stitch or a totally new way of knitting/ crocheting. An 8” square is the perfect size for experimenting.
This month’s challenge is What a Beautiful World . Have a look at what some of us have made and then join us in making a square or two that express your idea of what makes this a beautiful world.
Sometimes making the basic square is a wonderful way to relax and still help the children. Plain Jane squares, as they are affectionately called, are the backbone of KAS. They are always needed.
Whatever you decide, we would love to see photos of your work. Click on the photo option at the top of the page, click “Add” and follow the prompts.
Hi Sharon....and welcome to KAS, from the south-west of WA.
We are so glad you have joined us in warming the children of South Africa, in what looks to be a very cold winter.
Do you knit, crochet or perhaps both?
You will find we are a friendly, supportive, global community and we love to help each other where possible. Any questions, please ask, there is usually someone able to provide an answer.
If you would like, click on the 'forum' and 'photo' tabs at the top of this page.....there you will find many interesting discussions and some wonderfully, inspirational photos.
To read more about KAS and to see some heart-warming pictures of the children we are warming, please click here.
We Aussies and New Zealanders have our own group which can be found by clicking on 'groups' at the top of the page. There you may find things particular to our part of the world. e.g. postage, needle sizes, etc.You are most welcome to join this and any other group.
Most of all....please enjoy being 'one of us'. :))
Welcome to KAS Sharon and warm greetings from South Africa :)
Hi Sharon, from way over in Canada. You must be getting cooler while we're heating up. It's very muggy and humid right now, I'm hoping for a rain to cool us off and to water our vegetable garden for us. I love your knitting....you like to get funky with color combinations on hats, like I do and your vests are really nicely knit. I'm a crocheter but my Mum could knit up a storm. Love your photo of all you've done, that's awesome! Any questions, just ask. :)
Sharon, if you haven't sent a parcel before please check with Bev Jeffery for postal rates. If you don't have the "right" size for the P.O. the price can be horrendous. The parcels can be sent surface rate as parcels are arriving in South Africa all the time.
Here in Canada, the rate for 2 kg is $28.52 for surface and it jumps to over $100 for Airmail. Plus anything over 2 kg is a ridiculous price.
Hi Sharon, your hats and vest are lovely. The winter in South Africa is forecast to be very cold this year so these will be appreciated.
Hello Sharon, so glad you have joined our world-wide family of knitters and crocheters. We are dedicated to keeping the children in South Africa warm.
Please read through the welcome message on the forum main page for helpful hints and things that might interest you. http://forum.knit-a-square.com
If you appreciate a “challenge”, you might like to join the Monthly challenge. This is a fun way to try new ideas. Every month, a theme is chosen to challenge the forum members to create something new and different......it could be a new colour, a different stitch or a totally new way of knitting/ crocheting. An 8” square is the perfect size for experimenting.
This month’s challenge is What a Beautiful World . Have a look at what some of us have made and then join us in making a square or two that express your idea of what makes this a beautiful world.
Sometimes making the basic square is a wonderful way to relax and still help the children. Plain Jane squares, as they are affectionately called, are the backbone of KAS. They are always needed.
Whatever you decide, we would love to see photos of your work. Click on the photo option at the top of the page, click “Add” and follow the prompts.
Enjoy !
Hi Sharon....and welcome to KAS, from the south-west of WA.
We are so glad you have joined us in warming the children of South Africa, in what looks to be a very cold winter.
Do you knit, crochet or perhaps both?
You will find we are a friendly, supportive, global community and we love to help each other where possible. Any questions, please ask, there is usually someone able to provide an answer.
If you would like, click on the 'forum' and 'photo' tabs at the top of this page.....there you will find many interesting discussions and some wonderfully, inspirational photos.
To read more about KAS and to see some heart-warming pictures of the children we are warming, please click here.
We Aussies and New Zealanders have our own group which can be found by clicking on 'groups' at the top of the page. There you may find things particular to our part of the world. e.g. postage, needle sizes, etc.You are most welcome to join this and any other group.
Most of all....please enjoy being 'one of us'. :))