Hi Tina and welcome to KAS.... from sunny Western Australia.
We are so glad you have joined our global knitting/crocheting family. Do you knit, crochet or perhaps both?
You will find we are a friendly bunch...so any questions, please ask...we like to assist and encourage our fellow KASers where ever possible.
By clicking on the 'forum' tab at the top of this page, you can read and - if you'd like- take part in our many interesting discussions...not all of which are related to our craft.
Clicking on the 'photo' tab will show you what our wonderful members have been creating...so much inspiration...so much talent...
.If you're a 'plain jane' knitter( or crocheter) like myself be reassured that anything you make will be so appreciated by the children.
Welcome, Tina, from suburban Philadelphia. We are a friendly bunch of knitters and crocheters from around the world. So glad you joined us!
Welcome to KAS Tina and warm greetings from South Africa :)
Hi Tina and welcome to KAS.... from sunny Western Australia.
We are so glad you have joined our global knitting/crocheting family. Do you knit, crochet or perhaps both?
You will find we are a friendly bunch...so any questions, please ask...we like to assist and encourage our fellow KASers where ever possible.
By clicking on the 'forum' tab at the top of this page, you can read and - if you'd like- take part in our many interesting discussions...not all of which are related to our craft.
Clicking on the 'photo' tab will show you what our wonderful members have been creating...so much inspiration...so much talent...
.If you're a 'plain jane' knitter( or crocheter) like myself be reassured that anything you make will be so appreciated by the children.
For further information on what KAS is really all about...and some truly heartwarming stories, please click here: http://www.knit-a-square.com/Square_Circle-backissues.html.
Thank you for being 'one of us'.