Greetings Wanda from up in Canada above MN! Welcome to a worldwide network of loving happy people helping African Aids orphans. Glad to have you with us. It's so heartening to know that in this global, often so impersonal world, we're actually making a difference, a REAL difference, in the lives of these children. Check out the Forum, above, for the various discussion threads, and Photos for all the lovely photos of members' work and Groups where you can join groups from countries around the world.
The Featured Discussions grouping (in the Forum section) show the most important subjects at the moment, latest challenges, latest news etc. I also recommend the Anyone Want to Chat Discussion section, which contains the Our Furry Companions and Yarnaholics threads. I am so much a Yarnaholic! You joined us just in time to contribute some warm squares, hats and garments for the children, as their winter is approaching as ours leaves. Thanks again for helping the AIDS orphans in Africa!
In addition to my earlier may also like to try a diagonal square...lots of our members make these and say that the square turns out an 8" square every time.
Click on 'forum' at the top of the page. Scroll down to the bottom of page 1 where it says "Patterns-Squares. Click on that, then click on 8 Inch square or go to page 2 (within this discussion) and click on"Knitted Stripey Diagonal Square by Kathy Platts". Hope this helps...When doing the square sometimes its just trial and error, I find. Happy Easter.
I'm not sure how the sizes translate from Aussie to USA (sorry) but the official size to use is 6mm, but I found with some yarns this made them too stretchy so Wendy, another KAS member, said that she uses 5mm and this makes for a nicer, firmer I have been using that size and about 36-38 stitches when using 8 ply yarn. (depending on how thick the brand of yarn appears as they can fluctuate a bit) Sometimes it pays to check when starting a different brand of yarn, but don't stress too much about getting it 'exactly' 8" because the wonderful volunteers who sew them together in S.A. are great at 'making them fit.'
Welcome, Wanda! You found the right group...send those squares and know that they will be used to make a blanket for the vulnerable children of SA. Glad you joined us!
We are so glad you have joined us in warming the children of South Africa.
We love to encourage and support each other, so if you should have any queries, large or small, please ask....
If you would like to check out our many interesting and lively discussion please click on the 'forum' tab located at the top of this page.
For some truly inspirational photos of our members work, please click on the 'photo' tab, also top of page. During April we have a "Flags of the World" challenge and the photos created by our members are spectacular! If you are a 'plain jane' knitter (or crocheter) like myself, rest assured your squares are important and very much appreciated in the creation of our blankets.
Hi Wanda
Happy Birthday. I hope you are enjoying your special day. :)
Greetings Wanda from up in Canada above MN! Welcome to a worldwide network of loving happy people helping African Aids orphans. Glad to have you with us. It's so heartening to know that in this global, often so impersonal world, we're actually making a difference, a REAL difference, in the lives of these children. Check out the Forum, above, for the various discussion threads, and Photos for all the lovely photos of members' work and Groups where you can join groups from countries around the world.
The Featured Discussions grouping (in the Forum section) show the most important subjects at the moment, latest challenges, latest news etc. I also recommend the Anyone Want to Chat Discussion section, which contains the Our Furry Companions and Yarnaholics threads. I am so much a Yarnaholic! You joined us just in time to contribute some warm squares, hats and garments for the children, as their winter is approaching as ours leaves. Thanks again for helping the AIDS orphans in Africa!
Hi Wanda
In addition to my earlier may also like to try a diagonal square...lots of our members make these and say that the square turns out an 8" square every time.
Click on 'forum' at the top of the page. Scroll down to the bottom of page 1 where it says "Patterns-Squares. Click on that, then click on 8 Inch square or go to page 2 (within this discussion) and click on"Knitted Stripey Diagonal Square by Kathy Platts". Hope this helps...When doing the square sometimes its just trial and error, I find. Happy Easter.
Hi Wanda
I'm not sure how the sizes translate from Aussie to USA (sorry) but the official size to use is 6mm, but I found with some yarns this made them too stretchy so Wendy, another KAS member, said that she uses 5mm and this makes for a nicer, firmer I have been using that size and about 36-38 stitches when using 8 ply yarn. (depending on how thick the brand of yarn appears as they can fluctuate a bit) Sometimes it pays to check when starting a different brand of yarn, but don't stress too much about getting it 'exactly' 8" because the wonderful volunteers who sew them together in S.A. are great at 'making them fit.'
Welcome, Wanda! You found the right group...send those squares and know that they will be used to make a blanket for the vulnerable children of SA. Glad you joined us!
Hi Wanda....and welcome from Australia.
We are so glad you have joined us in warming the children of South Africa.
We love to encourage and support each other, so if you should have any queries, large or small, please ask....
If you would like to check out our many interesting and lively discussion please click on the 'forum' tab located at the top of this page.
For some truly inspirational photos of our members work, please click on the 'photo' tab, also top of page. During April we have a "Flags of the World" challenge and the photos created by our members are spectacular! If you are a 'plain jane' knitter (or crocheter) like myself, rest assured your squares are important and very much appreciated in the creation of our blankets.
To read more about the achievements of KAS and some truly heart-warming stories please click here:
We hope you enjoy being part of our knitting/crocheting family.
Hi Wanda, please check the follow link. It gives you the answer to your question wrt the needle sizes and more :)