The 2024 Distribution Season has Started


With The Barn relocating to a different area in Johannesburg there are ample opportunities

for distributions to New-to-KAS Creches. 

Join us on our 2024 journey to Warm The Children in South Africa with Blankets, Beanies, and Hand- Warmers...Soft Cuddly Toys, too.

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  • The Wandis hit the road again on June 13 for this distribution of 35 blankets and goodies.  Thank you for the photos!

    12663672867?profile=RESIZE_400x12663671668?profile=RESIZE_400xWandi x 2 … Mmabana Creche!

    12663673471?profile=RESIZE_400xPrecious kiddies …

    12663673271?profile=RESIZE_400x12663671895?profile=RESIZE_400xWandi and some of the 35 little ones.

    12663673857?profile=RESIZE_400xWe had enough warm tops for this distribution - a good day for those to be added.

    12663674067?profile=RESIZE_400xAdorable ! So sad to block these beautiful little faces.

    12663674080?profile=RESIZE_400x12663674258?profile=RESIZE_400xWe are SO BLESSED to be able to wrap these little darlings in their blankets with love and hugs.


  • On June 6 Kate Ballenden with Circle 108 came to The Barn to collection 50 blankets for an upcoming distribution.  Here are photos with the team...

    THANK YOU Wandi, Vivian and Lindi the Soweto woman who are behind the scene at Knit-a-square; a donation of 50 blankets to Circles 108 for distribution to children in Hillbrow. Full story comming soon...



    Knit-a-square. 14,902 likes · 8 talking about this. Helping to keep the orphans of South Africa warm.
  • The Wandis were headed out to Thembisa once again on May 30, fortified with some yummy carrot cake...

    12633203081?profile=RESIZE_400x12633203090?profile=RESIZE_400x12633203461?profile=RESIZE_400xFun posters provided by Vivienne.

    12633203480?profile=RESIZE_400xSoft cuddly toys are always well received.

    12633203276?profile=RESIZE_400x12633203494?profile=RESIZE_400xA bounty of color all around

    12633203861?profile=RESIZE_400xOne of Karn G's amazing basketweave blankets.

    • LOVE the smiling faces of the Wandis...can't help smiling back. laughing

      The posters are so colourful.

      The bub sure loves their 'Karen blanket'....looks so warm and cozy.

  • A lovely note from a creche in Orange Farm Informal Settlement...

    Good morning madam.

     I'd like to take this opportunity to pass my sencere gratitude on what you did for me and the kids. On behalf of the parents and kids, we like to send our thousand thanks to you and your partners. The kids and parents are very happy, we are so grateful.

    Dudu Little Angels Daycare




    • Thanks a lot for taking these pictures for us to see these super children.   A few of my hats popped up here and there, an added bonus  xx

  • Anoother distribution in the Thembisa area on April 25.

    12436176886?profile=RESIZE_400xVivienne and Wandi 2 getting ready to head on out.

    12472633073?profile=RESIZE_400xSuch a gentleman holding the door.

    12472643855?profile=RESIZE_400xWhat a Welcome sign.



    • Beautiful blankets!! Especially love the pinky/mauve, textured one, folded on a little one's lap.

  • So delighted to see a happy smiling child wrapped in one of my blankets I sent earlier this year.

  • The Wandis headed out to Thembisa again on April 11, and visited another Daycare to distribute blankets.  Thank you Wandi for these photos.



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