13417715077?profile=RESIZE_400xA New Year a New Banner from Ada.

This discussion will have photos and reports from our volunteers in South Africa.

You will see post and parcels coming into The Barn, Lots of Sorting and Bundling, and Blanket Making.  

You will hear funny stories and reports about our volunteers.

Please check back regularly to see what is going on in the KAS BARN.

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  • Always a thrill to read all the news from the KAS BARN. Thank you all for the beautiful blankets ♥️

  • From Estelle on February 11...

    Squares, squares and more squares…that’s what we love. We had a busy day sorting and making up bundles to keep us busy for the next fortnight.
    13453795065?profile=RESIZE_400xFabulous original squares arrived in the post from Sally-Ann Rothwell.
    I collected knitted items from La vie Nouvelle and Antoinette Nothling's team delivered their monthly contribution of squares, blankets and toys. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
    13453792888?profile=RESIZE_400xSquares from Antoinette's team.
    We love all these bright and beautiful colours and textures our contributors are using to make the blankets really special for our children.
    13453794469?profile=RESIZE_400xBlankets stitched together by Shirley Tibet’s helpers. I spy some of Bev Jeffery's exquisite appliqués.
    13453794856?profile=RESIZE_400xKnitted goodies from the ladies at La vie. Nouvelle.
    Some blankets put together by Audrey.
    13453795264?profile=RESIZE_400x13453795467?profile=RESIZE_400xSharon B I believe these fabulous squares are from you.
    13453795482?profile=RESIZE_400xJill Lea thanks for these great squares!
    Some lovely blankets from Liz.
    13453795693?profile=RESIZE_400x13453796259?profile=RESIZE_400x13453796081?profile=RESIZE_400xAnd 1 from me.Thanks Kathleen Large for the fabulous squares.
    • Absolutely fabulous selection of squares throughout all of these stunners.   They've made great designs + each one has such impeccable flourishes of care and talent. 

    • A fabulous collection of blankets to start the year off right.   I'm really loving all the different flower patterns in this last blanket.

      Yes, I think the green squares are ones that I made last July.  It was Mandela Month, and I wanted to make at least 67 squares to commemorate his 67 years of service.  CoM was green, and I had lots and lots of green yarn.  I think I actually made 72 green squares.   And I still have lots of green yarn left.

  • A great start to the 2025 with a report and photos from Ronda.

    Happy New Year to all!
    Welcome to KASbarn 2025 … rather a late start to the new year but a happy one nevertheless, with every one of us feeling fresh and keen to get going .
    Our shelves are reasonably full and the post abundant (2 PO collections awaiting us in the Barn - thanks to Bernard’s staying on track while we were away 😊) - so THANK YOU ALL for posting !
    13422633260?profile=RESIZE_400xVolunteers were color co-ordinated - almost.
    13422634499?profile=RESIZE_400xPretty crocheted squares to start the year…
    Lindi in front, Wandi and Viv.
    13422637873?profile=RESIZE_400xGorgeous toys from Susanne Leverton.
    13422639087?profile=RESIZE_400xStrips which dear Viv has offered to sew together.
    13422639878?profile=RESIZE_400xWe are receiving SO many varied sizes and shapes - also many squares made with very thick wool which just don’t make good blankets. The saddest thing to consider is the cost to contributors of making and sending these all the way to SA
    … because we really cannot use them.
    13422642063?profile=RESIZE_400xPatricia from Tucson - thank you !
    13422642288?profile=RESIZE_400xAren’t these just beautiful ? They will be distributed as “comfort” toys, to be held by crèche-owners and used to encourage children experiencing sadness or distress at home which happens ALL too frequently.
    13422643263?profile=RESIZE_400xHappy to be back in our KASbarn...Ronda and Wandi.
    Trish Gribble and St Pancras knitters … LOVELY parcels received. This is only one of them.
    13422645073?profile=RESIZE_400xSuch a beautiful bright blanket from Kathleen and Clear Lakes - faithful contributors from the very beginning ! Thank you.
    .Wool costs have sky-rocketed in SA - and stocks were low at our normal suppliers this week … but we hear of a SALE coming soon !
    Distributions will hopefully start soon … it’s still high summer and rather hot here with the odd electrical storm to cool us down for a while … before it all builds up all over again.
  • Happy New Year Girls!!   Sending love, hugs + many thanks for this cheerful photographic coverage of the start of your volunteering year ♥️

  • I am very pleased to see "my" banner in such a beautiful blanket. Thank you very much Estelle and everyone there.

    I wish KAS a wonderful year finally with many happy children!

  • The first meeting of 2025 for Liz, Estelle, Audrey and Elaine was on January 21.  Here is Estelle's lovely report.

    Once again we have been blessed to receive Ada Breeuwer’s annual banner and squares it’s become a tradition that I love.
    We welcome 2025 and are inspired by our generous, creative contributors to turn their squares into warm, cuddly blankets for KNIT-A-SQUARE who distribute them to our needy children.
    We had a productive morning with great post to open and 39 blankets from our team and 3 in the post to photograph and pack.
    Thanks for being model of the day Elaine…your arms must be aching!
    13417717057?profile=RESIZE_400xAll ready to go.
    13417717083?profile=RESIZE_400xDelightful squares that Audrey found in one of her parcels from Sharon Davis El Paso Knitting Guild.
    13417717682?profile=RESIZE_400xArrived in the post from Kathleen Large.
    13417717868?profile=RESIZE_400xBeautiful colours, beautiful blanket from Patricia Underwood.
    13417718301?profile=RESIZE_400xHeather Mensah I was thrilled to open a parcel from you. I’m in love with this blanket your design is amazing.
    13417719055?profile=RESIZE_400xHeather Mensah I was thrilled to open a parcel from you. I’m in love with this blanket your design is amazing.
    13417719264?profile=RESIZE_400xSome more squares from Ada.
    13417719100?profile=RESIZE_400xThink some of these are yours Sadie.
    13417719486?profile=RESIZE_400xMy bush blanket fabulous squares from Cathy Riley. This has become another tradition I love Cath.
    You can view all the blankets posted by Estelle in The 2025 Blanket Room.
    • What a great start to the new year.    Colorful and cheerful.  We love them.   The children will, too.

      Thank you for all the wonderful pictures.

    • So glad to see that my parcel arrived! Squares already made into a blanket, the design, I couldn't have thought of this myself, BEAUTIFUL, thank you ever SO much! 

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