my name is Isabelle, I am 34, have three children. I have been knitting since I was a child.
I'm a flight attendant, for Air France (did I mention I am french ?), and during a flight from Paris to Atlanta, I met a lovely lady. She was knitting with circular needles; a pair of socks I believe. We talked and talked, and finally, she taught me how to knit with these needles. She invited me to visit her page on Ravelry. And this is were I heard about KAS !
I have been knitting ans crocheting for KAS for a year now. It is a great pleasure (and releive !) to see that my parcels, big or very small, have arrived safely.
But I must say that the cost of postal services in France is terrible, sometimes I have to wait to send my parcel, just to be able to afford it. So I had an idea; I talked about KAS to my mail man, and he offered to ask his directors if I could send a parcel or more for free ! little chance, but who knows ? So I have translated some of KAS history, informations, into French, (not sure a french mail service director knows much english ...).
If this translation could be of any help to somebody in France, let me know. Maybe it could be useful to have a leaflet translated in most language, available on the website ?
I am also trying to convince my parish to work for KAS ...
Another thing : I could have the opportunity to fly to Johannesburg, once in a while. Do you think we could arrange that somebody from KAS come to fetch a parcel ? As I have no weight limitation, I can bring a suitcase of squares, hats, jumpers and so !
Sorry for this very long text, so much to tell, and so much to ask !
So pleased to see that you have been awarded The Square Heart of the month award Isabelle. Your devotion to lugging squares to South Africa and for getting stuck into the opening of the parcels is much appreciated. Well done, you truly deserve it!
(view Square Heart Award on Main page of Forum)
Will you be going again soon as I have some squares ready , and was wondering whether to take them to the UK to post (I live in France, work in UK) or hang on until you are going and ask you to take thme straight there.
PS well done on the award
I just saw this today! Congratulations Isabelle! Well done!
It is very important though that I find the time to do things like this which could make such a significant difference to growing our community and warming more children. Sometimes I think we founder on moving forward when we try to make things perfect and there is a wonderful saying that says: A good idea done is far better than an excellent one left undone".
To that end Isabelle I am going right now to read the current material we have and send you what we have got, rather than re-writing it. It is far better that we get something out and on your blog than nothing because it is waiting for me to redo it. And it can always be altered in time.
At the moment Sandy & Family are having to focus on their own personal finances, as for the past two years they have given everything to keep KAS going. However, Sandy has had to set up a new business in order to pay her mortgage and keep a roof over her head.
Most of the donations received go to the South African end of the project and Sandy has only ever taken expenses to cover the cost of setting up and running this amazingly professional site, ezines & Forum.
Eventually, I hope that donations will rise to a level that would provide her with a small stipend to enable her to devote more time to KAS. Currently, we all need to be patient and accept that, as ever, Sandy will respond when she is able to. The challenge is for each of us to think of ways of increasing donations, we cannot leave it on the shoulders of one person.
Currently, we are making applications to aids charity/organisations that provide grants to further the work of groups like KAS who are actually making a difference. However, this can take months! Time to put our 'thinking caps' on.............
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You might want to make the offer, might, on the discussion boards, like the chat thread. :)