AFRICA - March 2025 Theme
Africa has 54 countries and about 3000 tribes. It is the World's 2nd largest continent where over 3000 languages are spoken. The majority of African's practice Christianity or Islam. The continent on the whole is rich in natural resources from arable land, water, oil, natural gas, minerals, forests and wildlife. Growing up without a mother or a father is a very sad reality for 15 million children in sub-Saharan Africa. The disease HIV/AIDS has taken one or even both parents. These orphans live with relatives, or on the street without a home.
A popular and well known proverb has attracted my attention whilst I have researched Africa for this piece:
"A person is a person because of other people."
There’s many ways to say it: “Motho ke motho ka batho” in seSotho, or “Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu” in isiZulu.
This proverb is known as the bedrock of South African society because of their strong belief in community.
Africans have the spirit of Ubuntu without having to try, it is part of who they have always been, and the acknowledgement of the fact that we are a product of each other’s actions and decisions. Ubuntu is a reflection of what it takes to live in true unity, and explores what it means to work, live, and thrive together.
Africa has the largest populations of lion, elephant, rhinoceros, cheetah, hyena, leopard, and hundreds of other species. Giraffe, zebra, gorilla, hippopotamus, chimpanzee and wildebeest are unique to Africa and not found in the wild on any other continent on Earth.
Can I encourage and inspire you all to help enrich the lives of the needy children by providing a variety of colourful and warming projects, so that they may feel our love and support. Hats, blankets, small toys and 8" squares are all really needed and appreciated. We would love to see photographs of your makes if you are able and willing to do so............
Our Colour of the Month for March is YELLOW
A yellow Sunflower.
what a distinctive, Happy square! love sunflowers
Beautiful. Makes a cool, windy, cloudy day seem so much brighter.
An incredible sunflower. Loving the 3D effect.
This is impressive Patricia, and I assume interesting to make. Thank you x
Two windsurfing ellies. The sail on the left one is actually in a bright lemon and lime, but my camera on my phone has clearly taken a dislike to the colours....haha.
You have no idea what a difference one or two of you appliquéd squares make to a blanket Bev. The children and I love them....thank you!
FUN squaes - like the broad borders - look wavy!
So this is what the Beach Boys meant by Surfing Safari!