Could these be used?

I make a small quilt, about the size of a pillowcase, which could be used for babies to lie on or as an extra cover. They are not very thick so they wouldn't cost that much to post. I haven't got any at the moment so I can't add a picture of them but I don't want to make some and they not be useful.



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  • It is a lovely idea Julie, I also wanted to weave some little mats, but having checked it out with Ronda - it was a step to far at this moment in time.  Hopefully, at some time in the future KAS will be able to establish a depot where the goodies that arrive can be opened, sorted and stored more easily.  At the moment we are totally reliant on using Ronda's living room and the only place that doesn't have 'KAS stash' is the bathroom!  However, do keep the idea on the back-burner!

    • Thanks for getting back to me so quickly Pam. I didn't realise everything was stored in Rhonda's house. If there ever needed I'm only too happy to make some.

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