French translation

Bonjour everybody there

I have made a translation in french of basic informations (project, instruction, postal), lot of my contacts seams stop in there generosity because of the language.
It's not much, but my contribution  in the hope that french knitters help your project more easily.

btw, I finished my second square already :)

Have a nice week end.

for a full image see below at: attachment >>


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  • Merci beaucoup Sarah - tres gentille!!

  • Just a note Sarah, that your French translation is now on the KAS Facebook page where we hope that many people will share it with their families and friends so that we can reach more non-English speaking knitters and crocheters - who are certain to have good hearts and will care about the children without parents in Africa.  Thanks again.

  • Hello Sarah,

    Thank you so much, we have always wanted to provide more translations so that we can reach the creative skills and talents of non-English speaking knitters & crocheters.  You say it is not much, but to us it is!  KAS has proved that people who knit have good hearts so it is important to be able to reach as many knitters & crocheters as possible.  The time and effort you have put in will add another dimension to the lives of all the children who need warmth & comfort.  Thanks again, and, well done you!  Keep warm this weekend, Europe is freezing.

  • Hi Sarah

    That is so thoughtful of you. Thank you for taking the time to do this.

    Well done with the knitting..I have not had a chance to do much this week, so I am about to pick up my needles now.

    Have a great week end. :)

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