Where is KAS based?
KAS is a worldwide organization, with members in dozens of different countries. We are incorporated in South Africa, where the assembly and distribution of squares are managed. The KAS Board and Moderation team are made up of KAS members and supporters from across the globe.
Where does KAS help?
KAS blankets, hats, hand-warmers and toys are currently distributed in South Africa, particularly around the Soweto and Johannesburg area. Obviously, we'd love to be able to help even more areas, and may do in time, but for now it's important to focus on areas where we are already able to make a significant difference.
How can I support KAS financially?
More than just about anything else, KAS needs funding. The money we are able to raise makes it possible to cover expenses in South Africa, things like postal duty, fuel for the van to pick up packages and get to blanket distributions.
You can make a financial donation by going to our Donation page. If you are able to make a recurring donation, (for example, once a month for a certain period of months,) then that helps us with planning our budget. Of course, if you're not sure if you can make that kind of ongoing commitment, we also welcome one time donations.
There is also a KAS Shop where you can purchase items which directly support the children and Knit-a-Square.
What non-yarn-related items does KAS need?
Plastic yarn needles for sewing up and crochet hooks: size 4.00 mm. The Gogos use the hooks to crochet around the finished blankets to create a sturdy edge.
What can I do to spread the word?
Spreading the word is also of vital importance to KAS. We are a grass-roots movement, and our success depends on getting more members - both crafters and non-crafters! We have Promotional Materials you can use. Share the news at knitting circles, yarn shops, online forums, anywhere crafters might be. KAS is also a great fit for retirement villages and homes, where many of our most talented crafty members reside. If you're involved with a retiree community, why not let them know about KAS?
How can my school or youth club get involved?
Knitting is a great skill for kids to learn, and at the same time they will be participating in a world-wide community helping their South African 'cousins'. Many teachers have started knitting or crochet groups in their schools.
How can my company or organization get involved?
If you are part of an organization which would like to partner with KAS, we'd love to hear from you! Offering your services as a drop-point for squares and then sending those squares off on behalf of knitters and crocheters is a great way for businesses to engage with the local community. Other options include having a square-knitting competition internally, or sponsoring a South African crèche distribution financially. If you'd like to talk to someone about possibilities for corporate involvement in KAS, let one of the moderators or administrators on the forum know and we'll put you in contact with the right people.