I'm Betty from Oklahoma City, OK. I learned about KAS from another forum awhile back, but hadn't done anything. Then, my daughter and a few of her friends needed a project for their Bronze Awards in Girl Scouts. I told Tamara about KAS and she presented the idea to her friends. They chose it as their project. I'm not sure if the squares went out yesterday or are going today, but the awards are being given out tomorrow and the squares must be on their way before then. They are actually running a bit late with it because we didn't realize they needed to be working on it. (If we had, there would be a lot more squares coming!) Their troop leader pulled some strings and got them some more time. I'll post more in a separate post and will post some pictures of the girls, as well. I'm learning to "knook" (I crochet, but get frustrated with knitting). This is a great way to learn new patterns, so I do plan to continue making squares and other things to send.
You'll be pleased to know Betty, that the new moderator team started developing a FAQs list in late April and we hope to have it ready fairly soon! Additionally, we will have a "How to' list so new members have guidance on how to add a photograph, how to start a discussion etc.,
We are so proud of the girls achieving their Bronze Award through supporting KAS - young people like the girls deserve many more bouquets than they actually receive. Glad to hear you plan to continue.
Great to have you and Tamara and her friends on board Betty! Please thank them from us.
Thanks for the welcome, Kalai! I think I am going to print out all the responses and read them at the troop awards ceremony coming up at the end of the month.
Betty, have managed to insert the pics of the girls on the blog and onto the Menu Bar photo tab. If you have time could you add some comments on the Photo tab pics, especially the girls names as I'm not sure which is which! Thanks Pam
I got their names added in the comments, Pam. If there is another way I should be doing it, let me know. Thanks again for doing that.
The Moderator Team is developing a FAQs for KAS, and, How to add a Photo is going to be one of them. It took me ages to figure it out when I first came on board! Thanks for adding the girls names - we are all very proud of their achievement.
A FAQs would be very helpful. I was certainly feeling a little lost, but wanted to get the photos uploaded. Forum software can be tricky if you aren't used to it! Thanks for the info!
Sure, Pam! Thanks! I'll find some time this afternoon to figure it out!
Hi Betty
How lovely that your daughter and her friends chose this wonderful cause as their project.
I look forward to seeing some pics of the girls and their squares.
Glad to hear you are going to continue making squares and other items, but be warned knitting/crocheting for KAS and being part of our friendly band of stitchers is highly addictive!! LOL.
Hi, Bev. I was very pleased with what the girls accomplished and extremely proud of my daughter. She is learning challenged, shall we say, and successfully defended her choice of projects!
Where is the best place to post about their project?