July was a busy month for KAS and we had multiple distributions.
Sadly, we don't always have a verbal story for the distributions, but thankfully, we receive lots of photos from these distributions.
These first photos show a distribution from Wandi.
This next distribution is from Vivienne.
Thanks Wandi and Vivienne for the warm and joy you bring to the children every time.
I spy Gloria's picture square, remember ?!?! Right, Gloria??
Thanks for spotting this, Diana. You're right!!! What a great feeling to see a child wrapped in a blanket with my square!!!. These are all great photos, ladies. I love seeing work from everywhere coming together to bring warmth, love, and hope to these dear little ones ... xo
I love looking at these photos of the children wrapped in KAS blankets and holding their toys, but it is especially thrilling to recognize the squares and blankets. After studying the photos several times, I suddenly realized that the alphabet blanket is mine! What a laugh! I was so enamored of Glorias square that I didn't see mine.
Andreaj is so right! We are often asked if the squares and blankets actually make it to their intended recipients. And we can say with confidence that they do. Thank you so much for all the work you do, providing warmth to the children and proof of the work to all the world.
So glad you get to see one of your very special blankets wrapped around a child. That is soooo rewarding.
Thank you for all your special work, Sharon.
These are wonderful pictures and it makes me want to go home to crochet, seeing 2 children wrapped in my blankets. xx
You must be thrilled. Congrats!
Thanks you, I am. It spurs you on when you know what you make reaches those it was made for.
Thank you so much for the effort of distributing and sharing pics. So very often people ask me whether we know where our blankets go - sure we do! People are very often sceptical about donations, but we proudly share your pictures. It is so motivating, immediately want to start yet another square. The importance of sharing pictures is huge! Thank you!
Some absolutely stunning blankets in these photos.