This cuddle has an amazing story.  After collecting yarn, mostly 100% wool, together from 3 different sources, I began to knit.  It weighs 570 grams and at the end, I had 3 grams of wool left over, in that I had enough of EVERY yarn that I started out with.  I could only think of the 'Loaves and Fishes' parable.  That yarn was destined to be a KAS cuddle.

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  • I knit a lot of children's blankets.  Never has it happened as it did this time, and I only weighed the wool at the start.

    • I had a similar experience with somewool given to me by a friend after her mother died and there was enough to do a slipover in blues.

  • It was definitely meant to be.....that is amazing!!

    • Lovely story !

  • What a wonderful story. So glad you had enough yarn but not much to spare. Some baby and its mother will love it.

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