This page is for events, large or small, that have been organised to raise awareness of the work of KAS. Our lovely members often organise local events or get-togethers within their own particular groups and no one else gets to hear about!
It is about time we started blowing our own trumpets more regularly and a bit louder, and, share with all the world-wide KAS membership the steps being taken to raise awareness and recruit more knitters/crocheters/weavers etc,.
We and our partners, the Ladies of Soweto Comfort Club are team-working to make a difference to the lives of children who are hungry, unsupported and cold, plus many have no one to provide them with that essential ingredient to survival - love.
To get things started I’m going to report on an event that recently took place in London, but only the UK Group were aware of it! Sorry no photos.........
>>>>>>>Have now added a replica of Robert's square knitted at the event - the original is already winging its way to Soweto! Wanted to add some colour to this discussion page and red and white stripes add vitality!
I will send updates and pictures as we go along.
Thank so much!
This is my blog
Laurie, what a lovely blog and a brilliant resume of KAS and what it stands for. You are definitely a KASer!
Oops, I guess I should have posted this info here then.
In February this year I did a talk for a Trefoil group with 24 members in Bishopton (nearish Glasgow). They had done a knitting project the previous year so were very taken by the idea of KAS squares. Hopefully the might make some to send.
I was also asked to make an appeal on behalf of KAS at my moms church - Newlands South Church (Glasgow) during their communion service in June. The idea is that they then have a retiral offering at the end of the service for the charity. Well we managed to raise about £1070 so hopefully they can sponsor 2 creches. I also managed to encourage some knitters in the congregation to make some squares as I had laid out squares and leaflets in the church hall for people to come and chat during coffee after the service. I had even taken a bright purple blanket into the church to hold up for all to see as a bit of a visual aid. Well it seemd to do the trick. Thanks Newlands South Congregation.
I just had a message from an old friend of more than 50 years (we taught high school together in our young years)
that her church, Bethany Methodist Church in Austin, Texas, with the aid of a pastor and one other member, is
slowly but surely getting a new Knit-a-Square group going. I believe I mentioned the possibility before on the Forum but looks now as if it will be a reality. This is a very large Methodist church so I am hoping for some
sizable square donations in the future.
That is such good news Helen!
Bit late I'm afraid, but found this on Facebook:
I just wanted to thank you again for providing me with all those flyers. Knit-a-Square has a lot of coverage in London but not in Vancouver, and I was able to galvanise a number of people here and get local church groups involved. I've done two "learn to knit" sessions" and have had many people I've already gotten "hooked" ask for flyers because their mothers or knitting groups were interested, etc. It's one thing for me to give them a web address but it's quite another for me to give them a flyer which they can peruse, pass along, put up in their church hall and so on. Really, seeing the response here has been wonderful - amazing, even. And your beautiful flyers have made it so much easier to let people now what a great organisation Knit-a-Square is. Your 29p per flyer has gone a loooong way here.
I'm off back to London tomorrow with a lot of squares in tow because, believe it or not, postage is MUCH (as I discovered yesterday) cheaper in the UK than in Canada. (I think I'll be gathering a lot of squares in my suitcase when I return in October.) Happy knitting. And again, many thanks.
From Jypsi Mabbott on KAS Facebook page
Yes, KAS take all sorts of things like craft materials. They seen to sometimes collect these together and give to the neediest schools as wonderful education packs so that whole groups of children can benefit.