The Knit-a-square program has inspired volunteers in more than 60 countries to knit and crochet more than 1.5 million blanket squares, hats, hand-warmers and toys. Your efforts are helping to keep the children warm but to keep this operation running every day, we need to extend your love and support.
Your donations are the backbone of financial support for the operations on the ground in South Africa, making it possible for them to continue.
Whether it's helping to pay the rent, a stipend for the gogos to sew blankets, fuel for the KasVan or to cover postal charges of $3.75 US per parcel, you make it possible to keep striving toward warming and comforting the children.
Our goal is to remove the monthly deficit that Ronda and her team have to deal with.
You can:
1. Make a donation whenever you are able.
2. Sign up for an ongoing monthly donation (subscription).
3. Shop at the KasShop!
Please follow this discussion for monthly updates, current financial reports and ideas on what we can all do to help.
Here is the last KasShop report for 2020.
We rounded out the year with a total of $483.33 for December, our third highest month! This has been a challenging year, to say the least, but the shop managed to raise a total of $4,335.12 (after PayPal fees).
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the KasShop. We couldn't continue on without you.
P.S. The financial numbers for December are delayed but I'll get them to you when I receive them.
Andrea, I echo Glo, it is nice to see what areas are getting the most purchase power. KAS benefits with each and every purchase.
Praying that things will be in full swing for 2021 and we are able to warm lots of children in South Africa.
Andrea, thank you so very much for pulling these numbers together for us! It's nice to be able to see, at a glance, what types of things our members like to have in the KAS Shop.
We can definitely tell that contributors are willing to go that extra little bit to help with the cost of receiving their parcels. It's also nice to see that some are purchasing items for themselves and/or gifts. After all, every $ spent is a $ directly to KAS.
Thank you to everyone who shops at the KAS Shop. We appreciate your support ... xo
Thank you for doing the financial details for the shop.
The financials have been updated above.
It may be hard to make out but that little blue line has eked its way slightly above the red. Let's try to keep it that way! If we bank as much as possible now, there will be a surplus for Ronda and her team when things return to normal (fingers crossed). Go team!
Here is the expenses breakdown for November:
Thanks so much Andrea for the financial update. I know this is a lot of work to make the overview. Much appreciated!
You’re welcome! Thank you for the appreciation. :o)
Thank you for this update, Andrea. It's good to see the blue above the red even if it is only slightly ... xo
Here is the KasShop report for November.
Our total was down quite a bit at $175.69. It's a really tough time of year and who knows if it will get better anytime soon but let's pull together, if you're able! Every little bit helps.
Andrea, thank you for pulling all these numbers together for us. Much appreciated :)
Joy, I just accessed the KAS Shop without trouble, and with no odd messages. Not sure what to say about that. It's very unfortunate if folks who are wanting to support KAS by shopping in our KAS Shop are being discouraged in some way. Hopefully the reason for the problem can be found and corrected ... xo