
KAS SNIPPETS                     JULY 2016


<><><> THE KAS SHOP <><><>

First, we have the South African Nature Series Set One

Second, South African Nature Series Set Two

And third, our delightful Flower Series

These sets of six unique all-purpose cards are available

as a digital product which will be e-mailed to you shortly after purchase.

For only $7 USD, you can print unlimited copies!

The KAS Shop to order your cards.





Noah's crèche in Swaneville is hidden away in a remote corner of nowhere, in fact it is nothing short of a miracle that we actually managed to find it at all, the instructions via Lindi's cellphone were SO nonsensical !!

Continue reading ...





ANNEKE (Netherlands)

Anneke has encouraged us to upend our yarn baskets to discover what treasures lay hidden at the bottom.

Color, color, and more color!!!

Click [here] to join the July theme already in progress!




Please visit the website: www.knit-a-square.com. click on: "Received Squares"

For May the numbers are lower than April, though they are still impressive. Hat numbers are becoming more in line with the "one hat to one blanket" needed.

Received: 12,822 squares (366 blankets), 493 Hats, 402 Pairs of handwarmers, 117 Toys.

A big thank you to the SA Team for all the work you do!


It seems that some of you may be thinking that our mailing address is changing.  We would like to assure you that it is not!

Please continue to mail your packages to:

Mailing information and our revised packing slip can be found HERE



If you're hoping to spot some of your handwork,

have a look through the gorgeous collection of assembled blankets in

The Blanket Room

New photos are added often!



Ronda informs us that she is out of toys!

Can you help?



Knitted Teddy Bear

Pattern by Roz Goodwin (UK)

 Roz’s first teddy


Children in South Africa have very few, if any, play things.  This teddy will be a wonderful companion for a lonely child.  It will provide many hours of comfort and imaginative play. Teddy’s height is approximately 30 cm/12 in. Teddy Bear pattern can be found here.

Two more of Roz’s teddy bears


Teddies made by Louise Tidman & Jude Sullivan (UK)


This pattern written by Roz was recently added to the KAS Pattern Book. It would be amazing if teddy bears could be made and sent to KAS SA in August so they would then arrive in time for Christmas.  What an amazing gift that would be for a KAS child to receive!

Visit The KAS Pattern Book where other patterns are available.  Please try as many as you like.






is awarded to those KASers who truly show their heart by their ongoing actions.







Click [here] to find out how these two groups are

working away in their own little corner of the world

to help the children of South Africa!


And last, but not least ...

Two heart wrenching stories have appeared on our Facebook page. One was the story about Swaneville which appeared July 8 and the other, the story about Lizzie which appeared July 12.

These stories have the effect of making us all want to help in some way but in an email, Ronda said: "I feel frustration and sadness myself seeing the difficulties of SA women like her at first hand, but we need to discourage ideas of sending her money directly.

Firstly there IS government infrastructure to deal with these cases – even though most of them seem unable to obtain that help, it is the government’s responsibility to come on board and where people fund privately (which local people from the private sector DO from time to time) it can cause more problems than help. We have seen cases where there is jealousy and estrangement between neighbours, even families, because private entities interfere.

Giving blankets is one thing, but if you are going to refurbish a crèche, you have to get involved in the whole area in which it is situated.

The scale of the population needing assistance is a vast problem, all we CAN do is find one area and target that which is what KAS is doing. Diversification is not on.

FUNDING : we simply cannot afford to divert KAS PayPal funds, at the moment funds are only about covering 30% of our current needs - we have always tried to keep a 'buffer' sum in place, but this has been eroded these past 4-5 months."

It is absolutely vital that over the next several months we focus our efforts on KAS SA alone in order to continue our mandate of warming children. As much as we would all like to, we cannot, as a group, solve every problem for the reasons Ronda has explained above.

We would like to encourage everyone who is reading this edition of KAS Snippets to focus on 'the big four': squares, hats, hand-warmers and soft toys.

Even more importantly, we would encourage any of you who can, to support KAS SA financially by making a financial donation through our Paypal button - either a one-time donation or by signing up for an ongoing monthly donation (even if it is just a small amount like $5).

Another way to help Ronda keep going is to visit the KAS shop and make a purchase. The shop is full of wonderful items - some for your personal use like our note card series, others which impact the day-to-day operations of KAS SA.  It doesn't matter which item you choose - EVERY purchase helps us to carry on our vital work.


the KAS Shop


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  • Thank you so much everyone for your kind comments.  I must confess I would never get Snips together if it wasn't for all the help I get from each and every contributor.  You are all amazing!

    I just want to say a big "THANK YOU" to Anne P for that cute rebus she wrote and put together to help promote our beautiful new card series ... and the KAS Shop.

    And Bridget, I am so glad to know you enjoy Snips.  It's been a while, so thank you for popping in ... xo

    • Magnificent effort Gloria ! I love it !!

  • So look forward to receiving these emails. I love reading about your work x
  • Supersduper, fantabulous SNIPPETS!!! xo

    • I totally agree Anneke! :))

  • Thank you Glo for a bumper edition , very informative and fun to read. Now off to the shop to see what I can buy.. I love this virtual shopping, no heavy bags to carry home :))
  • Thank you for another wonderful edition of Snippets. I do like the "picture story"!

    Sad to hear that toys are so low, though. I will try and make/buy some to make up the weight of my next parcel.

    • Me too Helen, I am on a toy hunt.  I found two "like new" beauties just 2 days ago, one is a flamingo and one is a Canada Goose.  Lovely and lightweight so no postal woes there.  I did the impossible by embroidering faces on some Duduza dolls too.  Who can resist or deny these children?  Putting a smile on their faces and perhaps some courage in their hearts is the best thing ever.  

  • Gloria I'm not much good with electronic stuff so I must ask.  If I buy a series or two of those African wildlife or flower cards can I just download them onto one of those data stick thingies and take it to our local print shop to get them printed off? It seems easier to me if I can do that. :) And it gives them business besides.

    • Hi Jeanne. Hope you don't mind me chiming in! I'm not great with technology either, but your description is  absolutely right, it is what I have done, although I haven't yet gone to the printers. Envelopes are a standard size and cheap to buy. I think this is a great way to financially support KAS SA and we get to send gorgeous cards to recipients who I feel sure will appreciate them........and perhaps learn a bit about KAS SA too :))

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