Please find our packing slip and information about the
correct way to package and label your parcels
What an amazing group of busy crafters, creating beauty and warmth for the children of South Africa. We are so happy that you have joined us!
Today was our fundraising coffee morning...this has become an annual event each March and is usually very well supported. I hire the village hall to cope with the volume of people and stalls. We always have a raffle, tombola, bric-a-brac stall, homemade cakes, new and nearly new goods for sale, packs of KAS cards for sale and this year we had ' guess how many hands are on the two blankets' game. The blankets can be seen in the photo below. Jude and Jean spent numerous hours cutting out felt hands and embroidering the names of all our supporters on them before sewing the hands onto the blankets. Anne made a wonderful map of the world out of coloured felt for the centrepiece of one of the blankets too.
To read more about this extremely successful morning,
and to be inspired by the work of Louise and her group,
please click [here]
The February 2018 Squares List is available on , Click on "Received Squares". For the Squares List Discussion Page please find here the link:
During February 212 parcels were received, containing 12.640 squares, equal to 361 blankets. Many other items were received, such as hats, handwarmers, go-overs, toys and other goodies.
Our crafters have been very busy creating color, fun and warmth for our
There will be lots of happy faces when these things arrive in S. Africa!
Have a look through our
April Pattern of the Month
Creating and sending alphabet squares for a child’s blanket is
a great way to encourage learning.
It’s also a great way to send a message of
"L-O-V-E" squares crocheted by Anneke (Netherlands)
The ABC graph is reproduced by written permission of Caron International.
by Anne Powell (Canada)
I was asked to do a Mission Sunday at Kidzone in our church. One of the activities we did to teach the kids about our blanket program was to have them design a blanket.
This segment ended with a reading of Arlene Guerin's wonderful poem found elsewhere in this Category.
Don't forget to check out the latest photos in
by Leanne Hunt
Yesterday's opening day was a little different in that Ronda called in sick and couldn't attend. She had fallen ill with pneumonia and had to visit the physiotherapist to ease the congestion in her chest. Estelle and Thomas drove to her house to fetch the van, which was full of parcels collected from the post office the day before. When they arrived back, everyone piled in to help offload, and then we saw the real energy of the KAS volunteers express itself.
From my safe place at the sorting table, I could just make out that there was a line of volunteers stretching from inside the van to the corner where the parcels get stacked. I think Mabel was at the head of the line; certainly,, it was her name that everyone was calling as the packages flew through the air! She was having a marvellous time, tossing packets and boxes to whomever was free to catch them, and the packages went from hand to hand into the pile. I expect this is what the postal workers do too, although I was a little worried that something would pop and spill all over the place. Happily, the ladies are more skilled than that, and nothing got broken or damaged. Soon, the entire contents of the van were piled in the corner, and the volunteers were all whooping and dusting their hands with satisfaction.
Thanks Glo, another informative and heartening edition!
Thanks for another interesting Snippets - encouraging me to read on and find out more about things I would otherwise miss in the forums, and keeping me up to date with what is happening!
I always enjoy reading your monthly snippets, Gloria.
Thank you so much Glo for a great read, I love the way you draw everything together :))
It is truly amazing everything that happens within KAS in just one short month.
Thanks Glo, for pulling it all together in one place for us to enjoy.
What a wonderful set of news and updates. Get well soon Ronda dear. Team Ronda is churning along with confidence.
A splendid read, Glo dear. LOVE the photos you have chosen to highlight in this edition.
As always, beautifully set out and a great 'catch up' with kots that has been going on. xo
So thrilled to see soooo many new members for our forum in 2018. Only this morning, I woke up to another new member, in Ashley. I hope everyone enjoys our forum as much as we do. :))
Thank you so much for all your time and effort.....and also, to all those who contribute to our Snips. :))