Hi all you lovely South Africans,
i have just spent a brilliant two weeks on a camping safari in Botswana and am now
on tour in South Africa.
i have warm clothing from camping that I have washed and want to drop off to someone in Losotho if possible. I also have about 30 dolls I have made.
i will be in Losoto for a couple of hours this coming Sunday and am
wondering if anyone can give me a contact name and an
email address of someone in Losotho who can collect my parcel.
Hi Sandra, good to hear you have had a wonderful time in Africa and are touring South Africa. KAS really could do with your wonderful dolls as we keep running short. Unfortunately, we do not have collection points in either Lesotho or South Africa, all items need to be sent to our postal address. Please would you click on the following link for the postal instructions : http://forum.knit-a-square.com/forum/topics/postage-information-1
KAS is run by a worldwide team of Moderators in hand with Ronda and all our wonderful crew back at the office in Johannesburg - entirely voluntary. Some of the crew receive travel expenses, but the only people paid are our lovely co-workers the gogos who tirelessly stitch the squares together, and, then it is just $1 a blanket. Sorry we cannot be more forthcoming, but please do send the dolls - they will soon be distributed and subject to many cuddles!
Hi Pam, thanks for responding. I send parcels regularly to KAS, but as I was in Botswana and now South Africa on holiday, I bought some extra dolls with me. I travelled up the Sani Pass to Lethoso on Sunday and arranged with our driver to drop off extra warm clothing I no longer needed and about 25 of my dolls to the tiny village at the top of the pass. It was bitterly, bitterly cold and windy on Sunday, so I hope my track suit pants, socks and jumpers fill a need..
Well done Sandra, the clothes will be invaluable during the continuing cold spell, and, certainly the dolls will be treasured. Hope the rest of your trip goes on well oiled rails and you have plenty of lovely memories to take home!
Great job Sandra, finding a home for your clothes and dolls, they will be much appreciated !