A massive outgoing from the KAS funds is the mandatory customs and handling fee of $3.75US per parcel. This is a charge the South African Customs and Excise enforce no matter what size of parcel is collected. Therefore it is an ongoing regular outlay, and it is vital this proportion of expense is supported to keep our crafting flowing to where it is needed most.
Donations are most welcome whether they are as you can afford them, or by setting up a monthly donation. Both are easily arranged by pressing the Donate button to the right of the Main Page in the Forum, or by making a purchase from our well stocked KAS Shop full of fundraising departments.
Remember 100% of every KAS Shop purchase goes directly to KAS......and every penny counts!! Thank you X
"Happy Yuletide Greetings To You All"
I needed to stop by and remind you that there are some fabulous New Year cards available in our KAS Shop - perfect for those last minute special messages of love and thanks to those who are dearest to you.............
On a personal note - I offer my sincere humble thanks to any of you that have supported our store over the last year. The charity finances have swelled, which untimately means the children in South Africa are finding and feeling the love from our hearts.
Ho ho- ho!! Hi everyone......... I have BIG news from the KAS Shop - there are some new terrific items!!!
The store now has a selection of Christmas cards which feature samples of your knitted and crocheted squares in glorious festive designs and colours.
It would be a show a great support if you could pop some of these into your basket when you browse. I'm sure your friends and relatives will be delighted to receive one of these cards through their door.
I'd like to offer you all my love and best wishes for super Christmas celebrations and good health as we enter 2022. Take care, stay safe, and keep on clicking and hooking,
Auntie Nellie xx xx
Hi Auntie Nellie, I just went shopping in the KAS SHOP, came back with BEAUTIFUL Christmas and Happy New Year cards! The series are IRRESISTIBLE! They are even more beautiful once downloaded!

Merry Christmas Auntie Nellie! xo
Marvellous news Anneke, Thank You ♥️ - I stopped by myself + put some in my basket too. They're ever so special and of course help support our terrific charity too, Karen xx
Seasons greetings Auntie Nellie. I’ve just bought the Christmas Cards for next year, they’re wonderful.
HO-HO-HO !!! Despite the fact our takings are doing pretty well at the moment, there is still the need to keep our needy children in the front of your minds this season.
Today I wanted to stop by and ask you if you have thought of buying some of the cards from our fantastic selection in the KAS Shop............ There are beautiful flowers, pictures of the children in knitted goods and an array of African animals to choose from. Why not pop in and take a look to help keep our finances afloat...........?? Please also keep our cause in mind should you decide to gift to charity instead of sending Christmas cards this year - the cost of postage can be so high and it is timely too.
It is worth saying too that covering the cost of the postage handling fee is imperitive too - we need to keep the flow of our parcels moving to where they are needed most. Remember passing through our store can help keep our children feeling loved and warm and those spare pennies do add up!
Auntie Nellie xx xx
Well Hello there crafters! Auntie Nellie here again.......
THANK YOU ALL! I was really delighted to read the KAS Finances recently and see for myself the super amount of donations and purchases that have passed through the KAS Shop checkout.
Please continue to support our amazing system by donating where you can, or passing through the KAS shop and picking up an item or two, and by covering the Customs Handling Fee when you mail your parcels. We need to keep the cogs turning.............
Have you noticed the fundraising idea which has been started recently, and will run until the New Year.....? This idea has come about by a member trying to make one of each of the 35 different squares from the new FREE booklet available in our store. It appears so far the knitting effort is going well - why not take a look and offer a $ in support of this challenge if you haven't already done so..... Take care ladies and stay safe as you shop X 
Applause, applause too that so many distributions have been achieved! Hooray! the children will be feeling the love and warmth through our giving and making.
This does however mean the need for supporting the shop remains as important as ever. There is still great need for help in keeping the motor running and coverage of the PO expenses too.
Please too remember, when in store that the
35 Squares Make A Blanket booklet is FREE to download for everyone. When I have taken time to put my feet up and enjoy a cup of tea and a slice of cake, I have read through all the marvellous design patterns. What a selection! Why not push yourself and try out a different design from your usual styles....??
Ta-ta now crafters. Please do stop by the Shop and give me a little wave on your way through the checkout - I promise to wave back if you do!!!
Auntie Nellie xx xx
What an amazing amount of parcels have arrived and been sorted! It’s great to see the commitment to the children from the volunteers in the Barn and from all the crafters across the world!
So frustrating that Ronda has to pay for each parcel she receives from us!
I posted 3 parcels today, so I’ve just popped into the KAS shop to help pay Ronda’s PO expenses for my parcels. I must have just missed you Aunt Nellie, we could have had a cuppa and a natter :))
Oh I could see you petal.... .. . but you couldn't see me (I don't miss much. ... Lol) Thank you, you're the kind of kind, reliable and thoughtful customer we value passing through our checkout ❤️