Three colour check pattern (the top two)
Using first colour make a chain divisible by 4 plus 2 and 2 extra turning chain.
1st row: (RS) into 4th chain from hook work 1 dc, *2ch, miss 2ch, 1dc into each of next 2ch, rep from * to end, joining in 2nd colour on last stitch.
2nd row: using 2nd colour * 2ch, miss first 2 dc, 1dc into each of the 2 missed ch of the commencing ch, rep from * to end, ending with 2ch, miss next dc, ss into 3rd of first 3ch joining in 3rd colour.
3rd row: using 3rd colour, 3ch to count as first dc, 1 dc into next dc of first row, * 2ch, miss 2 dc of 2nd row, 1dc into each of next 2dc of first row, rep from * to end joining first colour on last stitch.
4th row: using first colour, *2ch, miss first 2 dc, 1dc into each of next 2dc of 2nd row. Rep from * to end, ending with 2ch, miss 1dc, ss into 3rd of first 3ch of first 3ch, joining 2nd colour.
The 3rd and 4th rows form the pattern, working 1 row in each colour throughout.
To avoid a row of holes in the final casting off row, use sc instead of dc.
Three-colour speckle pattern (bottom left)
Use 3 colours: A B C
Using A make a chain divisible by 2 plus 1 and 2 extra turning chain.
1st row: (RS) into 3rd ch from hook work 1dc, *miss 1 ch, work 1sc and 1dc into next chain, rep from * to last 2ch miss 1ch, 1sc into last ch joining in B
2nd row: using B, 1ch to count as first sc, 1dc into edge st, * work 1sc and 1dc into next , rep from * to end, ending with 1sc into 2nd of first 2ch , joining C.
3rd row: using C, as 2nd row working last sc into first ch and joining in A.
The 2nd row forms the pattern, working one row in each colour throughout.