Hi everyone!
I was thrilled to find a new ezine in my Inbox over the weekend and as usual I feasted on the distribution pictures and happily read of InterFace FLor's amazing square contribution that snowballed on them. Even more exciting was that the company paid to ship the squares to South Africa!
I love reading Ronda's comments as I really got a sense of how busy it gets there with people coming in from all over to take hats and blankets back or to drive to a distribution, and lots more contacts and people willing to help. How thrilling!
I admit I gulped when reading of G4S Cash Solution's "we need 100,000 squares a month"! I mean it's thrilling BUT I had to take a moment to remind myself that KAS gets contributions from over 40 different countries around the world now, over 300 schools, many companies and it's not just ME and my sometimes wonky crochet hook supposed to supply that need! Just saying that so some of you don't FAINT, lol.
Remember the story of the guy walking along the beach where thousands of starfish were beached and he was chucking some back and somebody asked him "why bother? There's so many how can you make a difference?" He chucked another starfish back into the ocean and said, "I made a difference to THAT one." That's US, exactly and totally, We make a difference one hat, one square, one vest or sweater at a time, to one precious darling child. Us...you and me. And THAT is something to smile about! We ARE making a difference...a HUGE DIFFERENCE...in a TON of people's lives.
I love that so many people are delighted to hear that we CARE about the children in Africa. They're a worldwide treasure and we're willing to prove it...we ARE, by our sewing, knitting, crocheting and our blog writing, book writing, tweeting....giving presentations....it's all amazing and wonderful to me.
So, anyone else have any comments to make about the ezine?
Jeanne xoxoxo :)
p.s. Anyone besides me thinking that suggesting Ronda as a CNN Hero might be a good idea??? For her, the kids, the cause...etc.?
p.p.s. I know all those squares sounds like tons...remember this. G4S can ask but we can only do what we can do. Don't feel you have to run yourself ragged. It's super if you can do a bit extra but please NOT at the expense of your health, all your spare time, family time or your bank account staying out of the red!
It's very very likely, I would think guaranteed, that the total number of squares arriving in South Africa will keep increasing but not by us panicking. I nearly ran for the hills when the total of 1.2 million was mentioned! I admit it. Nobody can handle such a huge number, I can't get my head around it, but I took a deep breath and regrouped and remember this...that's a LOT of squares but we should NOT feel forced or pressured to try. Remember....burning out won't help any of us, or the kids. We're doing this out of the love in our hearts, we ALL are. Just keep doing what you're already doing, it WILL be enough. Trust and have faith in the process. Remember how fast we filled the buses up? ALSO....
We must remember that it's not just us here...there's a LOT of corporations, schools and others in other forums involved in this, around the world and it's increasing every day. It isn't all on our shoulders. Knit-A-Square is growing really fast, faster than I can keep track of at the moment though I always suspected it had the capability to expand massively. Even so, I had NO CLUE over 300 schools are now involved in this/have ordered kits...and look at all the churches, bless their hearts.
Just remember....the heart of Knit-A-Square is, and always will be, ONE ON ONE....you to a child, me to a child....a square, a vest or sweater, a hat, a toy, a plastic yarn needle (got 4 more today, yippee!). THAT is the magic of Knit-A-Square. "Yes I CAN make a difference. Little old me."
So take courage....what you're doing, every single stitch, needs to be done from the heart, from love...no stress...we'll do what we can, we all will. Trust it will all come out okay! :D
love, Jeanne xoxoxoxo