Soweto Gospel Choir - its happening!

We were so excited today to receive news from The Annenberg Centre for the Performing Arts in Philadelphia that we have been granted permission to hold our event on stage with the Soweto Gospel Choir on the 30 January, 2010. Briefly for those of you who don't know, the idea was that 25 children would come on stage with 25 blankets to present to the 25 choristers. The SGC sponsors an orphange in South Africa called Nkosi Haven and the blankets will be delivered to them on their behalf. Debbie Posmontier who was the first person to involve the school children she tutors at Springside School in knit-a-square wrote to ask whether the children who are presenting to the Choir could also sing an African hymn. The children belong to a re-knowned children's Community Choir at the Myers Elementary School in Cheltenham, PA. We understand from the letter today that that wish has been granted. It is deeply touching to think of children singing to the choristers on behalf of the orphans while handing them the blankets and we hope the audience will be similarly moved. The Annenberg Centre has also offered to have a foyer presentation of knit-a-square where we can give out our rulers and fliers and as well and will present a short speech about knit-a-square on stage before the blanket presentations. As part of that they have suggested they ask each audience member to donate a square (or donate perhaps, this is to be clarified) to KAS. It is very late in the piece to get 25 blankets together. We are agreed that as the children are singing, if we are only able to present say 10 or 12 blankets that would still be sufficient an event to make it worth the coverage and of course any press we are able to achieve as a result of this. Many of you said you had squares ready to go in the November Challenge, so let's see what is achievable at this late stage. I hope very much that you are all as excited as we are about this, our first major public promotion. We are really grateful to Margot Teele of Soweto Gospel Choir, Nicole Cook of Annenberg Centre and of course Debbie Posmontier and Hanna Russo for the suggestion in the first place.

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  • It does indeed Debbie.  What a great thing to do, to reread some of these wonderfully inspiring threads.  Sandy

    • Thanks, Sandy! The photos from that day pop up on my screen saver and I ooh and ahh at them! The Springside girls sang recently with the local South African group, Peace Train, at a concert at school. That brought back the memories! The music was fantastic in the style of the Soweto Gospel Choir. Several of the band members are friends of my husband and it was such fun to hear them at school.

      On another note, I've begun crochet lessons and have brought KAS info to the class. Several members will practice their stitches on 8 inch squares and send them along. More converts!

      • Debbie, you were one of our very first most inspirational stories.  Remember the girls in the meadows.  Isn't it amazing KAS already has this kind of history!  How great the girls are learning to crochet.

        • It was one of those "knit in the meadow" days here today...early spring weather...and I was thinking about those first girls I taught to knit. They were in grades 3 and 4 then and are in grades 6 and 7 now! KAS has a history already! Here's to many more success stories in helping warm the children in SA!

      • hey debbie

        funny  - i was looking at where the soweto choir will be and saw they were playing locally here in boston or providence - i forget which - was looking through the photos and remembering what a good time it was to be a part of that whole event and meeting up with you and other KASers


        • Hi Jackie, it was a really special events and thanks to you and your generous boss too!

        • I agree, was a wonderful, worldwide community event and we had the privilege of being able to attend!! I often think fondly of that evening and of the weeks of preparation that led up to it and that followed it. 

  • I just reread some of these posts and got chills and tears all over again. This was just the most wonderful project and the feeling of a worldwide KAS community is still so strong!! The good work continues!!

  • Are there enough blankets now for this event? I have several squares I have not shipped yet that I can send if needed.

    And I am only a few hours from Philadelphia so I may be able to come to the concert!
    • do let us know if you will be coming to the concert
      us KASers must meet up
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