Edited by Gloria Grandy 




MARY &  CAROLA (Mary's Mom) - UK

Mary was welcomed to our Forum in September of 2011.  From then on, she has been warming the children and welcoming others to the world of KAS! 

Mary's work is beautiful and plentiful, and her love of KAS shines as she spreads the word in her corner of the world.  Here is a link to her photos:


Mary belongs to the Granny Greens, a group of crafters who are now well aware of Knit-a-Square, thanks to her. 

Last year, she encouraged her group to create an awareness of KAS in a very colorful and creative way.

Knit-a-Square asked crafters to knit piles of squares to the height of landmarks and this inspired Granny Greener Mary Gordon to get the group to knit the height of Greyfriars Bobby.” Read about it here.  Just look at the gorgeous photos of this incredibly successful event!

And just so you know, Mary's mom Carola is also donating by

mailing Mary's many parcels to South Africa!

Mary now has her thinking cap on and is helping and encouraging us to be inventive in ways to raise funds for KAS operating expenses. I just love her suggestion of a "crafternoon" complete with some South African recipes.

Thank you, Mary, for your enthusiasm, your kind heart, and your creative thinking!

And a huge thanks to Carola for your generosity in making sure all this work gets to the children.

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  • Such wonderful contributions!  So happy you're part of the KAS world, as you both do so much.  Your hearts are fabulous and many children are warmer because of you!  Thank you so very much!

  • Wow ! Congratulations Carola and Mary.
  • Never fail to be anazed and inspired by the square heart awardees - congratulations Mary and Carola!

  • Greatly deserved Mary & Carola - you certainly helped when it came to launching the Table Mountain Heights Challenge. Grey Friars Bobby was one of our earliest 'climbs' !

    • Yes loved doing Bobby I hope we can do that again. My dad printed off this page as my mom doesn't 'do' the internet and she asked me to convey her thanks and to let you know she's cast on two more tragic teddies!

      • Congratulations on receiving this award, Mary. You have done and continue to do soooo .much for 'our' children.

        A family affair........your Mum takes care of postage and if I remember correctly your Dad sometimes acts as courier for your lovely parcels to get to your post office. Well done and a huge thank you to a wonderfully, caring family.

  • oh my goodness! I'm down in Durham county visiting a friend so only just seen this! thank you!! And thank you to Ronda and her wonderful volunteers for giving us a way to help the kids of South Africa. Not only does my mom nobly post all the squares I make and get from Granny Greens she also knits 'tragic teddies'. As soon as I get home I'll let my mom know of this great honour.

  • A well-deserved award!  Congratulations Mary and Carola!  Mary,I always think of you there in Glasgow with your many creative ideas. 

  • Thank you Mary and Carola for all you are doing to help the children of SA.

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