Hi Linda, Welcome to the KAS forum and I hope you will enjoy being part of this friendly & lively community. Do you knit or crochet or both? Around the world caring people are all taking direct action and team-working with the Ladies of the Soweto Comfort Club - it is making a difference to many parentless children. When you've had a chance to look around the site you would be very welcome to join the Down Under group for more local news and chat - see Group tabs it can be on page 1 or 2, they move!
You can also personalize your own page by clicking on the My Page tab on the menu. Also you can access Settings on this page and set your privacy terms. For questions click on the Forum tab and then KAS - Questions, Answers and Help.
Glad your Facebook directed to you our team! Check out the New Member Guide by clicking the "Main Page" tab above. There you will find all kinds of information about KAS. Another great section to look over is the Photo tab - everyone is so supportive of the work on display. [See you have already checked this section out!]
The stretchy wool hats for Samaritan's Purse are to be found at http://www.operationchristmaschild.org.uk/_uploads/knittingPatterns...
I knit for Samaritan's Purse and use this pattern. It is brilliant.
Hi Linda, Welcome to the KAS forum and I hope you will enjoy being part of this friendly & lively community. Do you knit or crochet or both? Around the world caring people are all taking direct action and team-working with the Ladies of the Soweto Comfort Club - it is making a difference to many parentless children. When you've had a chance to look around the site you would be very welcome to join the Down Under group for more local news and chat - see Group tabs it can be on page 1 or 2, they move!
You can also personalize your own page by clicking on the My Page tab on the menu. Also you can access Settings on this page and set your privacy terms. For questions click on the Forum tab and then KAS - Questions, Answers and Help.
Glad your Facebook directed to you our team! Check out the New Member Guide by clicking the "Main Page" tab above. There you will find all kinds of information about KAS. Another great section to look over is the Photo tab - everyone is so supportive of the work on display. [See you have already checked this section out!]