Hello Margaret, just go further up the A1 and I live at Richmond (not far from Scotch Corner)
I have just posted my first parcel to South Africa, and sent it surface mail. I will have to work out if it is more cost effective to send smaller parcels more often rather than wait until I have a larger parcel ..... and you are lucky if you have a contact who goes to South Africa.
Lovely to hear from you Margaret. Yes, the KAS Forum is a bit bewildering when you first arrive - I felt exactly the same! Anne (Canada) is doing a major housekeeping job to make it easier to navigate. The moderator team (who keep an eye on the forum to ensure the people who join have an affinity for what we are trying to achieve and keep any 'internet flea' away) are developing right this moment a FAQs list and a How to do list which should help all the newbies.
Having friends who can take stuff in their suitcases is wonderful as it will save considerable postage. Isabelle, a air stewardess, gets herself on a Johannesburg flight and takes all the french knitted squares!
At the moment we have enough baby stock, and are looking for garments to fit 2-14 years - the main thing is to cover their tummies and that the head hole is large. African children's heads are almost adult size by 4 yrs.
I'm taking a chance and sending this via the Forum to help you get used to the way it works. I'll also send a note on the your email to remind you to check. But if you do have any problems let me know and I send it direct. All the best and thanks for spreading-the-word! Pam
Greetings Margaret from over in Canada! I was born in Yorkshire a long time ago, but emigrated when young. Welcome to a worldwide network of loving happy people helping African Aids orphans. Glad to have you with us. It's so heartening to know that in this global, often so impersonal world, we're actually making a difference, a REAL difference, in the lives of these children. Check out the Forum, above, for the various discussion threads, and Photos for all the lovely photos of members' work and Groups where you can join groups from countries around the world.
The Featured Discussions grouping (in the Forum section) show the most important subjects at the moment, latest challenges, latest news etc. I also recommend the Anyone Want to Chat Discussion section, which contains the Our Furry Companions and Yarnaholics threads. I am so much a Yarnaholic! You joined us just in time to contribute some warm squares, hats and garments for the children, as their winter is approaching as ours leaves. Thanks again for helping the AIDS orphans in Africa!
Hi Margaret, welcome to the forum ! We are so pleased you have joined our world-wide family of knitters and crocheters. We are dedicated to keeping the children in South Africa warm.
If you have any questions about anything just ask. There is always someone willing to help with the answer.
Everyone loves to see what others are doing so please post photos of your work. Just click on the photo section at the top of the page and then follow the prompts.
Have you had a chance to look at the e-zines ? They provide wonderful photos of how our squares are helping these vulnerable children. Their smiles are priceless !
After you have a look around you might like to join the UK group. There you can discuss specific questions that pertain to your area of the world as yarn weights tend to differ by country. And crochet stitches are different here in Canada ! Also you can join any other group you would like.
Hi Margaret, Welcome to the KAS forum and I hope you will enjoy being part of this friendly & lively community. Do you knit or crochet or both? Around the world caring people are all taking direct action and team-working with the Ladies of the Soweto Comfort Club - it is making a difference to many parentless children. When you've had a chance to look around the site you would be very welcome to join the UK group for more local news and chat.
You can also personalize your own page by clicking on the My Page tab on the menu. Also you can access Settings on this page and set your privacy terms. For questions click on the Forum tab and then KAS - Questions, Answers and Help.
Very glad your Google search directed to you our global knitting family! Check out the New Member Guide by clicking the "Main Page" tab above. There you will find all kinds of information about KAS. Another great section to look over is the Photo tab - everyone is so supportive of the work on display.
Hello Margaret, just go further up the A1 and I live at Richmond (not far from Scotch Corner)
I have just posted my first parcel to South Africa, and sent it surface mail. I will have to work out if it is more cost effective to send smaller parcels more often rather than wait until I have a larger parcel ..... and you are lucky if you have a contact who goes to South Africa.
keep going with your U3A group . Marion M
Happy Birthday, Margaret.....hope you are having a great day. :))
Lovely to hear from you Margaret. Yes, the KAS Forum is a bit bewildering when you first arrive - I felt exactly the same! Anne (Canada) is doing a major housekeeping job to make it easier to navigate. The moderator team (who keep an eye on the forum to ensure the people who join have an affinity for what we are trying to achieve and keep any 'internet flea' away) are developing right this moment a FAQs list and a How to do list which should help all the newbies.
Having friends who can take stuff in their suitcases is wonderful as it will save considerable postage. Isabelle, a air stewardess, gets herself on a Johannesburg flight and takes all the french knitted squares!
At the moment we have enough baby stock, and are looking for garments to fit 2-14 years - the main thing is to cover their tummies and that the head hole is large. African children's heads are almost adult size by 4 yrs.
I'm taking a chance and sending this via the Forum to help you get used to the way it works. I'll also send a note on the your email to remind you to check. But if you do have any problems let me know and I send it direct. All the best and thanks for spreading-the-word! Pam
Greetings Margaret from over in Canada! I was born in Yorkshire a long time ago, but emigrated when young. Welcome to a worldwide network of loving happy people helping African Aids orphans. Glad to have you with us. It's so heartening to know that in this global, often so impersonal world, we're actually making a difference, a REAL difference, in the lives of these children. Check out the Forum, above, for the various discussion threads, and Photos for all the lovely photos of members' work and Groups where you can join groups from countries around the world.
The Featured Discussions grouping (in the Forum section) show the most important subjects at the moment, latest challenges, latest news etc. I also recommend the Anyone Want to Chat Discussion section, which contains the Our Furry Companions and Yarnaholics threads. I am so much a Yarnaholic! You joined us just in time to contribute some warm squares, hats and garments for the children, as their winter is approaching as ours leaves. Thanks again for helping the AIDS orphans in Africa!
Hi Margaret, welcome to the forum ! We are so pleased you have joined our world-wide family of knitters and crocheters. We are dedicated to keeping the children in South Africa warm.
If you have any questions about anything just ask. There is always someone willing to help with the answer.
Everyone loves to see what others are doing so please post photos of your work. Just click on the photo section at the top of the page and then follow the prompts.
Have you had a chance to look at the e-zines ? They provide wonderful photos of how our squares are helping these vulnerable children. Their smiles are priceless !
After you have a look around you might like to join the UK group. There you can discuss specific questions that pertain to your area of the world as yarn weights tend to differ by country. And crochet stitches are different here in Canada ! Also you can join any other group you would like.
Welcome to KAS Margaret and warm greetings from South Africa :)
Hi Margaret, Welcome to the KAS forum and I hope you will enjoy being part of this friendly & lively community. Do you knit or crochet or both? Around the world caring people are all taking direct action and team-working with the Ladies of the Soweto Comfort Club - it is making a difference to many parentless children. When you've had a chance to look around the site you would be very welcome to join the UK group for more local news and chat.
You can also personalize your own page by clicking on the My Page tab on the menu. Also you can access Settings on this page and set your privacy terms. For questions click on the Forum tab and then KAS - Questions, Answers and Help.
Very glad your Google search directed to you our global knitting family! Check out the New Member Guide by clicking the "Main Page" tab above. There you will find all kinds of information about KAS. Another great section to look over is the Photo tab - everyone is so supportive of the work on display.