Please go to the U.S. Forum page on the KAS website and read about a new fund -raising drive to raise funds for a newer vehicle for Ronda. She is in great need of a more reliable car to take the blankets to the creches. A donation of any amount is valuable. Thanks
I'm not always the greatest at keeping up to date with the conversation here at KAS. But I just spotted the pic of you and your daughter. I guess she must be about/almost a year now since you wrote that comment in May. She's too adorable! =) Happy 1st Birthday to her!
Welcome Sandi and congrats on your first square! I'm from Georgia, but originally from Michigan, so we were almost neighbors LOL! So happy to have you join us, it is such a great and supportive group here! I find coming back here often helps keep me motivated and energized!
That is an adorable little girl you are holding in your picture, I assume she is your daughter? I have 4 grandsons and about 2 years ago I finally got a granddaughter! Since everyone in my family has boys, this has been my first chance to have a girl to buy and crochet for :o) It has been awesome!
Have a good evening and don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions!
Greetings Sandi from up in Canada above MN! Welcome to a worldwide network of loving happy people helping African Aids orphans. Glad to have you with us. It's so heartening to know that in this global, often so impersonal world, we're actually making a difference, a REAL difference, in the lives of these children. Check out the Forum, above, for the various discussion threads, and Photos for all the lovely photos of members' work and Groups where you can join groups from countries around the world.
The Featured Discussions grouping (in the Forum section) show the most important subjects at the moment, latest challenges, latest news etc. I also recommend the Anyone Want to Chat Discussion section, which contains the Our Furry Companions and Yarnaholics threads. I am so much a Yarnaholic! You joined us just in time to contribute some warm squares, hats and garments for the children, as their winter is approaching as ours leaves. Thanks again for helping the AIDS orphans in Africa!
Hi Sandi, welcome to the forum ! We are so pleased you have joined our world-wide family of knitters and crocheters. We are dedicated to keeping the children in South Africa warm.
If you have any questions about anything just ask. There is always someone willing to help with the answer.
Do you knit or crochet ? Everyone loves to see what others are doing so please post photos of your work. Just click on the photo section at the top of the page and then follow the prompts.
Have you had a chance to look at the e-zines ? They provide wonderful photos of how our squares are helping these vulnerable children. Their smiles are priceless !
After you have a look around you might like to join the US group. The group is talking about adopting another creche....last year the group adopted 3 !
Greetings from the Western Galilee, Sandi, and a warm welcome to the Square Circle Forum!
Enjoy exploring this wonderful, worldwide community's website full of fascinating content. Check out the members' amazing photos and catch the inspiration and encouragement.
(I'm fairly new myself, and with every visit I find more and more to appreciate :-)
Please go to the U.S. Forum page on the KAS website and read about a new fund -raising drive to raise funds for a newer vehicle for Ronda. She is in great need of a more reliable car to take the blankets to the creches. A donation of any amount is valuable. Thanks
I'm not always the greatest at keeping up to date with the conversation here at KAS. But I just spotted the pic of you and your daughter. I guess she must be about/almost a year now since you wrote that comment in May. She's too adorable! =) Happy 1st Birthday to her!
Welcome Sandi and congrats on your first square! I'm from Georgia, but originally from Michigan, so we were almost neighbors LOL! So happy to have you join us, it is such a great and supportive group here! I find coming back here often helps keep me motivated and energized!
That is an adorable little girl you are holding in your picture, I assume she is your daughter? I have 4 grandsons and about 2 years ago I finally got a granddaughter! Since everyone in my family has boys, this has been my first chance to have a girl to buy and crochet for :o) It has been awesome!
Have a good evening and don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions!
Greetings Sandi from up in Canada above MN! Welcome to a worldwide network of loving happy people helping African Aids orphans. Glad to have you with us. It's so heartening to know that in this global, often so impersonal world, we're actually making a difference, a REAL difference, in the lives of these children. Check out the Forum, above, for the various discussion threads, and Photos for all the lovely photos of members' work and Groups where you can join groups from countries around the world.
The Featured Discussions grouping (in the Forum section) show the most important subjects at the moment, latest challenges, latest news etc. I also recommend the Anyone Want to Chat Discussion section, which contains the Our Furry Companions and Yarnaholics threads. I am so much a Yarnaholic! You joined us just in time to contribute some warm squares, hats and garments for the children, as their winter is approaching as ours leaves. Thanks again for helping the AIDS orphans in Africa!
Welcome to KAS Sandi and warm greetings from South Africa :)
Hi Sandi, welcome to the forum ! We are so pleased you have joined our world-wide family of knitters and crocheters. We are dedicated to keeping the children in South Africa warm.
If you have any questions about anything just ask. There is always someone willing to help with the answer.
Do you knit or crochet ? Everyone loves to see what others are doing so please post photos of your work. Just click on the photo section at the top of the page and then follow the prompts.
Have you had a chance to look at the e-zines ? They provide wonderful photos of how our squares are helping these vulnerable children. Their smiles are priceless !
After you have a look around you might like to join the US group. The group is talking about adopting another creche....last year the group adopted 3 !
Greetings from the Western Galilee, Sandi, and a warm welcome to the Square Circle Forum!
Enjoy exploring this wonderful, worldwide community's website full of fascinating content. Check out the members' amazing photos and catch the inspiration and encouragement.
(I'm fairly new myself, and with every visit I find more and more to appreciate :-)