Seeing these precious little people existing in such harsh conditions always makes my heart ache. I only hope they are able to feel the love that is stitched into each gift they receive from KAS ... xo
Another installment from Athele from the Lion Park Informal Settlement distribution...
Twenty three more vulnerable children of the Lion Park settlement with this warm colourful blankets, soft toys and beanies, with lots of love from the worldwide KnitASquare community. 264 given in total on this distribution.
Large squares from Cathy Riley
Maura Zoric from Croatia made the darling turtle toy. Estelle put together this incredible blanket.
This blanket was put together by the Misfits
This beauty was sewn together by Athele with a few squares from Amy
Wonderful photos...thank you. We are so blessed where we live when we see the conditions these people live in. Thank you so much for reaching out to them for us!
Thank you for this contribution. So good it could go on! I really love all those colorful photos. And I also spot some of the squares and dolls I made. It gives me a special feeling to see the dolls in the hands of a child.
Here is the second installment of photos from Athele and her running commentary.
Another 36 of the severely impoverished children who were given beautiful blankets, beanies and soft toys by us four gals on Saturday, on behalf of kind hearts all over the world who contribute to knit a square. And a special mention for Estelle McLeod and me thank you thank you, for getting to know those around the globe who go to great lengths to make especially lovely squares for us to work with, and go above and beyond in a bunch of ways to support our organization. It is on your behalf we diligently do our best to stash your blankets for distributions to the especially vulnerable and to make sure you get to see as much as possible of the end result of your efforts. We know you appreciate our extra efforts as we do yours. Cheers darlings. Hope you get to see this one.
Ps here and there I’ve added pics of 30 blankets I had the pleasure of putting together from just such squares, because it’s a tough call to photograph the small child who speaks a different language, in such a way as to protect their privacy And still capture enough of the blanket that you can recognize it.
Ada Breeuwer’s windmill, some of Cathy Riley’s squares
Estelle sewed squares from Ada, and Marion Davies together for this special blanket.
Blanket by Sunel Botes
Ladybug and pink flowers from Marion Davies
Lioness from Marion Davies, Estelle assembled the blanket
Norma and Themba recently we out to make two distributions.
Here are the wonderful and colorful photos of those distributions. Thank you Norma and Themba for sharing.
Don't you just love the alphabet mat the children are sitting and standing on? What a marvelous way to learn your letters.
Here are the phots from their second distribution:
Seeing these precious little people existing in such harsh conditions always makes my heart ache. I only hope they are able to feel the love that is stitched into each gift they receive from KAS ... xo
I agree.
Seconded... ♥️
Another installment from Athele from the Lion Park Informal Settlement distribution...
Even more photos...
A back street in the community where this distribution took place.
In no time at all there was a pressing crowd at the gate. Thank goodness for our helpers and kind lion of this little crèche.
Wonderful photos...thank you. We are so blessed where we live when we see the conditions these people live in. Thank you so much for reaching out to them for us!
Isn't it fun to see a soft toy you made being so well loved?
Here is the second installment of photos from Athele and her running commentary.